Queens released..but

Started by fishybee, April 30, 2007, 01:18:30 PM

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I got to do the fist hive inspection this morning, and both queens were released.  The first hive went very well didn’t see the queen but there are some eggs. The smoker ran out of smoke part way through the second hive, still I only got 2 stings, didn’t see the queen there either, but do have eggs from what I can tell.

Question:  The first hive has a pile of bees on the front and in the entrance, lots of activity, much more than there has been, is this normal?  The second hive is not much different than it was before.  The difference is amazing.

Oh what's a good long lasting smoker material?  I was using pine shavings and needles?




Hi fishybee!

Check this thread for a great discussion on material for your smoker. I had the same problem diring my first inspection last Saturday, so I'll be making some time to practice with the advice in the post.

Look for the post: "Looking for the best smoke making material", I still can't post hyperlinks ;)

Good luck!



Tom, welcome to beekeeping.

I have a few questions for you however. The pile of bees you say, are they dead or alive? If they are alive, what is the temperature outside? They tend to "Beard" when the temperature gets warmer. If they are dead that can simply mean now they have a queen they tend to clean house a little more.

I can use my smoker for around 15-20 minutes using haybail twine (Around 10 feet of it). It's very handy. It's cheap, the smoke doesn't smell bad, and it doesn't go out very easily. Make sure you don't get the kind that has chemicals in it. (Get the natural stuff)

Good Luck with your hives,



Thanks Jake, I'll run up and get some baling twine, place up the road has it, why I didn't think of it beats me.

The temp is about 60 and the bees are very much alive.  Actually they have calmed down some, never were aggressive but boy they were all over the front of the hive.  I think I was over reacting, newbie ya know.  That hive has always had busier like that than the other.  The hive I ran out of smoke on is something, lots of traffic going in and out but not much in the way of guard bees. 


Yeah, they definitely can look intimidating when your first starting out. Not a big deal! :D

Good luck with your beekeeping!
