roches in inner cover!

Started by newbee07, May 13, 2007, 09:16:03 PM

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I checked my hives today and found no ants but the bees are begging to draw out supers. They have been on for 2 weeks now without queen excluder. I installed excluder today and sprayed each frame in supper with sugarwater. I had one hive that has nothing but a little brood and lots of honey and pollen. Empty cells had no eggs or larvae. I'm keeping ears open to what to do with this hie next. I am running one hive body and a supper on top. Maybe they will had capped some honey in another 2 weeks or so, we will see. I'm open to any suggestions because i hate to lose a hie because of something stupid i did, ccd is enough. Jsut trying to help the bees grow on.




The spraying of sugar water inside the hive is completly "unecessary" with a developed colony. Its ok when your trying to coax a swarm to an empty HB.
I have also said before. After a colony gets started and has one deep completly  drawn and two or more frames of brood, if it is a good laying queen, It should have another brood chamber. I have never witnessed a strong "one" box colony that did not swarm, unless you split it two or three times before the end of May.
If you add another "honey "super, you will most likely get brood in it.
I am sorry I have to dissagree that anything above one box is a super. I will agree any size box could be called a honey super or a brood chamber. But then again I guess everyone has their own discriptions.