10 frames to 9 frames

Started by rayb, May 18, 2007, 09:35:02 PM

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My medium supers with 10 frames of undrawn foundation are now well drawn and filled with nectar. If I wish to go with 9 frames  spaced out ( to get thicker combs ,more honey), will they draw them thicker even if they are already filled with nectar?

Thanks, Ray


if they have already capped the cells they will probably not. Also at the stage where they have already started filling the cells means if they did draw them out it would likely be very uneven.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Another thing to be aware of is the bees might make unwanted comb below the frames. Because the 9 frames aren't aligned right above the 10 below. It will make the frames harder to remove unless there's something between the boxes such as a queen excluder.


If it is not capped, you should be fine.  If there is any capped, as Brendhan, it might not be so nice. But unevenness is not an issue as long as it is not build far enough out and into the next frame space.   You can't tell the difference between an uneven comb and an even comb, once you extract :-D
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Thanks for the responses. The cells are full but not capped so I will give it a try and see what they do with the 9 spaced out frmes.
