Draw times for packages

Started by Dane Bramage, May 22, 2007, 12:09:52 AM

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Dane Bramage

Greetings all,

Appears my bees are off to a great start.  :?  I have 4 Nucs w/Carni queens and one package of Italians all installed in 10 frame (double-wired wax foundation) deeps.  The nucs had a ~3 week head start on the package, which I installed on 4/18, but it is the package that has really surprised me.  Last Friday they had fully drawn all but the outermost sides of all 10 frames.  :shock:  I *think* they had about 5 frames drawn the previous check (week + earlier, can't recall precisely).  So, needless to say, I added another brood box straight away!  The Carni-Nuc hives have all had the 2nd brood box for ~ 2 weeks.. .starting with 5 full frames, this growth rate seemed normal to me.  The package though... I wasn't expecting it to be so rapid.  Is this a typical growth rate?  Things were (& have since been) blooming well (*very* well) here so I've only fed them ~ 4 cups of sugar syrup (1:1) and one (1) pollen patty.  They've been on their own after that.  I can spot that FAT Italian queen every time I try (not as much success with the Carnis).
The blackberries aren't even started yet so I am really hopeful all the Carnis & the Italians stock up both their brood boxes and give me some surplus.  I've the medium supers staged and ready!  :-D

Dreaming of Blackberry honey & mead,



I'm guessing they have more resources now than a few eeks ago and are catching up as a result. Sounds good to me. The rates hives draw out foundation vary greatly, even when placed next to one another. Be happy they're all doing so well.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".

Dane Bramage

Thanks.  I AM happy  :-D  getting 5 more nucs tonight kinda happy.  heh