Chalkbrood - corrected itself, now what?

Started by Eshu, May 27, 2009, 01:18:08 PM

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I finally conducted a full inspection of one of my hives.  Previously I had only verified that they had brood, stores, etc.  When I pulled frames from the bottom box I saw a handfull of chalkbrood mummies on the bottom board.  The hive is building nicely and doesn't appear to have any problems right now. I suspect the chalkbrood was from late winter / early spring.

I had planned to requeen the hive this fall anyway.  Should I requeen sooner?  Or just stick with the original plan?  This is my first experience with chalkbrood.


Lurking.  Same story for me.  I have chalk brood in a swarm from last year.  They have always been slow to build but now have a deep and a shallow full of brood.  They are doing fine.  Was planning on requeening too though.  Will that help?


Sometimes they can get some of that from the weather...cloudy warm humid is prime for CB.  If it is persistent through the year then I'd peg the queen.

If it looks like it is cleared up then I'd watch it and if there isn't a whole lot more then just do what you were planning.

Requeening will often clear up persistent chalkbrood.