How to locate bees

Started by stephoman, May 23, 2007, 02:04:11 AM

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I am a neophyte with beekeeping and missed the window for ordering bees in April/May. Ideas on how to locate and capture feral bees for backyard honey production?  I live in New Mexico  :?


Set up bait (honey or other)
when bees show up, cover them with powdered sugar.
Follow bees back to hive or mark the line they flew in and triangulate hive location.
Find feral hive.
Remove feral hive.
Have bees.

Sounds nice, not as easy as it sounds.

Swarm Trap:
buy swarm trap
buy lemongrass oil
place a few drops in swarm trap.
Mount swarm trap in an area where bees like to hang out, like bee bars, on during happy mating hour.
When swarm moves in you take swarm trap. Place bees in nuc box.
Sounds easy is easy, swarm trap does not guarente bees.
You results may vary
Allow 6-8 weeks for deliery
Weight loss not typical
Please include shipping and handling

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Register with your local Police, Fire, Township (everyone) that you're a beekeeper ready to be called on for a wild swarm.

Or you can locate a current beekeeper and ask to buy one of their hives, maybe even partake of a split. Note that it's getting late in the season for swarms. I don't know if this applies for your location but the saying is "If it flies in July, pass it bye."


Where in New Mexico are you. Come on over to my place and I will take you to a few people that want their bees removed.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


Go anywhere to a water source and hang out for awhile. If and when a bee comes to get water, watch which way he goes. Some where nearby there is a colony. set up your trap, but be fore warned, that area has AHB'S.


Dont presume you cant buy bees still. Check your local bee association and ask for members who might sell a hive or two. Also contact any commercial beeks, they will often sell you a hive or two and used equipment. Isn't Lusby from your neck of the woods. Kirko buys from them and would know.God luck, and dont give up so quickly, they are out there.
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