35 if not 38 queen cells!!!

Started by newbee07, June 02, 2007, 11:53:15 PM

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I just thoght i'd share something with you all. I had switched a cuople of frames of brood last week between a hive that had no queen and a hive that had an amazing queen. The frame i put in the hive without had brood , larvae, eggs and lots of solid brood with 1 large queen cell on bottom. The frame i put in the strong hive was mainly empty cells with a handfull of brood. 2 1/2 weeks later today, I went and looked. The hive that had no queen at the time now is the strongest i have with the queen cell gone and eggs larvae, and brood like crazy. The other hive (even though we looked the frame over before we brushed the bees back into the hive before removing the frame) it had 35 counted queen cells on bottom bars, some in groups of 5 and 6. Tripped me out. Why, would this bee? all suggestions welcome. Although it don't really matter i still have bees and they are strong. just curios though.


Perhaps you unknowingly moved the queen to the queenless hive on that frame you switched?   


Maybe the cells you are seeing are drone cells, not Queen cells. Charlie


No bee at all was on the frame i had moved. The only thing i can think of is that she got crushed in the process. Also the cells are definately queen cells because the look like a 1" long peanut hanging down.