How to get bees to accept pierco frames?

Started by tigerfankk, June 05, 2007, 09:27:15 AM

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First, I have 2 hives with all pierco frames and they are doing great.
I purchases 3 new 2 deep hives with Italian bees.  One hive has accepted and already drawn out the pierco frames.  The other 2 hives only have a 4 inch section on one or 2 frames at the bottom with a little drawn comb. I've sprayed the frames with 1:1 sugar water.  On one hive I put the pierco frames in between other drawn out wooden frames/wax foundation and all they are doing is drawing out the wooden/wax frames even further, some of it almost touching the pierco foundation. It's been almost 4 weeks.  They are obviously not liking those frames.
Any ideas?


I think part of the problem is that you have mixed the frames. The bees will almost always more readily accept the wax frames vs. the plastic. If you want to use the pierco, you will have to use it exclusively in the hive

Scott Derrick

Try melting a little wax and brushing a few strokes across the Pierco. Pierco doesn't always put enough wax on their frames. This has been a great help in the bees accepting the frames.
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The only way I have been able to do this (and pierco is mostly what I have) is feed syrup(70%syrup and 30%water mix) or have a flow going and do just what you did.  Manipulate the frames in between the alreadly drawn frames, and never let the syrup run out untill you are done.  They don't take to the plastic as fast if there is wax foundation in the hive but it can be done.


I do not use pierco frames but I do use permacomb frames.
I take and fill a large tub with very warm sugar water with Honey B Healthy.
I then brush the frames and fill the cells with mixture. The brush breaks the surface tension and lets the cells fill with the sugar water mix.
Then take a block of wax and rub it on the surface and let the wax form a rough surface on the permacomb.

If you do not have a large tub. Use a sprayer and fill the sprayer with the mix. Spray the frame and fill the cells. Then rub with wax.

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I paint melting bees wax on my plastic frames, but I notice the bees are slow to draw out comb. They are doing fine anyway, but I know for sure that they would love the pure beeswax better.

They will do the job eventually,


A old beekeeper told me to position frames so the Y in the bottom of the cells are inverted compared to the frame facing them. the Y is open at the top on one and at the bottom on facing cell. A symptom seen when this is not followed is parallel comb built alongside rather than on the actual foundation sheet. :shock: RDY-B