Have two supers ready to come off

Started by tom, June 20, 2007, 01:31:28 AM

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  I have two supers ready to come off and will take them this week i also see sourwood just starting to bloom here. I want to know how much does a nine frame shallow super hold and a ten frame medium. I want to extract the medium and cut out the comb in the shallow and do some comb and some plain. But it is so dry here we did get a down pour tonite but i also notice my girls are out early in the morning and i mean they are working like crazy could there be a flow going on they slow down in the afternoon but around three they are full blast again my two big hives are starting to fill and cap over the second super but hive three are slowly drawing it out but hive one is the one that is filling thiers up i want to wait to put anopther super on or should i wait till they fill all the frames before sdding another.



If they have drawn the comb, then add a super.  They need more space to dry out the honey, don't wait until they are full of nectar.  I think a full shallow will weigh about 50-60 pounds, not sure about mediums, Mike Bush has the weights on his website I think and has posted several times about the weights of each size box filled with honey.