Honey Bottling tank?

Started by newbee07, June 28, 2007, 09:39:19 AM

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I am getting ready o purchas a honey bottling tank of some sort and was needing advice or opinions on the one i need to get. I am looking as of now at the maxant bottling tank 4in1. is this what i need or is there some something else to make storage ,seperation, and botling easier? I plan on growing to lots mor hives over the years and want to buy only one good on for the job. Any advice from anyone?


Here is some stuff I use.
This is great for storage.

This for bottling and straining.

I get these items from dadant, but similar items should be available at other suppliers.


I use the same set up from dadant, that pdmattox has posted here. It works great, its very simple, 5 gallon bucket with honeygate and different strainers, and lid. I extract (4 frame, hand crank w/ honeygate) then open the gate and let the honey go right through the strainer into the 5 gallon bucket. Works like a charm. From there I bottle.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


bottling tank great for bottling   http://www.mannlakeltd.com/catalog/page92.html   this is a little cheaper than maxant  I just put two buckets in mine to bottle today they are great.nothing wrong with maxant my uncapper and cappings spinner are both maxant great stuff. buckets ok for storage especially if you get alot of varitale  honey (keeps them separate) settling take best for separation I use a small 40 gallon tank with a honey gate  for that. tank also good for bringing back buckets of crystalized honey very gentle just place bucket in hot water for 10 minutes so the core will slide out of bucket into tank do two buckets like this put tank on delayed timer and when you get home from work you can bottle very cool. this is a great choices of equipment if you bottle honey  RDY-B


If your looking for inexpensive,i bought this and it seems alright!


I agree with pdmattox.  We just use a few homemade strainers made from paint filters purchased at a local hardware store.  We use 5 gallon buckets to put / store our final product, which store relatively easy.  We'll store up these buckets and bottle as we need to.  Crystalization really isn't a problem, as long as you have a warm place to keep the (full) buckets.  I'm of the opinion to start small and grow into a honey business.  I like to keep it simple with the things that's worked before, then add expensive / better high-end quality equipment once we've gotten big enough.  Plenty of time for the fancy stuff..........no hurry

Make it pay for itself......... 8-)


I use 5 gal/60 lb buckets.That way if I run into a  super, or 3 or 4 frames in  a super different from  the rest I seperate it and extract in different buckets. I have light, medium and dark honey.
If I run it all together it all turns out too dark.
I do have to get me a couple more honey gates.
Just got through bottling 2 cases.
