Wierd bug

Started by wayne, July 08, 2007, 03:26:52 PM

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   My wife was looking out the front window at her flowers and called me to see  " a really wierd bee."
   The critter was at least an inch or more long and colored pretty much like a slender bumble bee. BUT, it wasn't.
   It had very long antenna, long legs, and a long visible probiscis. It moved and hovered like a humming bird, and carried its back legs straight out to the rear.
   We watched it for several minutes before it zipped away.
   Any ideas on what it was?
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.


If it is the one I have in mind, It can catch a honey bee and hole the bee away so it can't sting it.
Then it takes its snot and punctures the bee in the abdoman and sucks the juice out. then drops the shall.
PLEASE, DON'T laugh, I've seen it happen.



   We have Hummingbird Moths. They empty the feeders if you leave them out over night.
  Found this site;http://www.whatsthatbug.com/clearwing_moth.html

  May have been a moth after all, but it sure fooled me.
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.


Google This.
Narrow-Winged Damselfly.
I have seen them catch a Honey Bee and do it in.


That may be the wrong bug, But it looks a lot like it.