Partially capped supers

Started by Fannbee, July 10, 2007, 08:48:37 AM

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I have four supers with partially capped frames...some are fully capped on one side and roughly 50% on the other, some just 25% capped on both sides, and some are not capped at all but full of nectar.   In central MS I believe we are at the end of the spring nectar flow. 

I plan to leave them on.  What options do I have?


Chuck and Fran


You could condense your supers by combing the ones with uncapped frames, and harvest the ones that are capped. You may get a fall flow and they will cap and draw the remaining supers.
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Thanks, I did condense the frames.  Our flow came to a stop due to the draught.  However, in the last week we had a bunch of rain.  I am hoping we will get a little nectar flow.
Chuck and Fran