6' 260lb need bee suit

Started by malabarchillin, July 09, 2007, 06:22:23 PM

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Trying to finalize my first order for beekeeping equipment.
Only thing left is trying to find a full bee suit.
I am 6' 260 lbs and want a full suit. I do not wear
sport jackets so I am lost on the manufactures web sites.
Searching the archives turns up a lot.
Will a few guys my size chime in and tell me what you wear (full suits), where
you got it and do you like it  ? looking in the $65 range if possible.


I think I have what you need. It was gave to me and the Guy was about that size. Let me check it out and I'll get back with you. It will not cost that much.


Don't think it will fit. I am 38 in the waist and it isn't really that much big on me, just long.
Sorry about that.


If you have a tape measure, measure around your chest at the broadest area. If no tape measure, use a piece of string, then measure that with a ruler. Order your suit +4 to that, so if you're 52", order a 56.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


I am 6' 1'', 200 lb and bought a full suit from Brushy Mtn of size 42'' Long.  I am broad shouldered and it fits just right.  Definitely measure your size by wrapping the tape measure under your armpits and see how many inches it comes out to, then order a size or two above that, if they carry it.  Good luck!


I'm 5'11 and 255 lbs.  I wear one of Mann Lakes Jackets with the integrated hood. (their off-brand)  It sells for about $50.  For my lower half I wear a pair of sweat pants.  I haven't been stung yet with this set up, and I'm mildly allergic to bee stings.  They have the same set-up in a full suit for just a little more.  The jacket is very roomy with all the appropriate pockets/zippers/velcro, etc.  I'd buy another in a heartbeat.


I'm 6'2 250 and I have an XXL suit from Mann Lake (the economy suit with hood) - it fits great for a big guy like me - legs are long enough and it's not too tight (no restrictions in movement). I haven't been stung through the suit and the price was right - $62.95.


Thank you all for your replies !


Im 6-0 and the suit that TonyBOD is talking about fits me fine with some extra room.