need help

Started by vision76, July 28, 2007, 03:38:52 PM

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i live in southeast Missouri monett i would like to get into the bee keeping hobby i was hopeing some one could tell me wher the best time to get a hive would be , what would be 5the latest i could get one in the year , how much this will cost ,how soon will you have honey, thanks for your help Brian


I'm starting out too so heres what I've learned so far (I havn't made any purchases yet). Most people I've talked to said to start in Spring. Feb/March but its region dependent too - I remember reading that you want to have things setup when "Dandilions" are in bloom. If your getting packaged bees or want a nuc from another beekeeper you got to let them know in advance usually during winter time the previous year.

I've had great experiences talking with local beekeepers and going to a few area beekeeping meetings and events; everyone I've talked to is eager to share their hobby with me. So I highly recommend getting involved before you actually get started - find a mentor to let you help with beekeeping duties.

The latest I think you can get them is in May/June from what I've found out its better to start eariler. Cost varries depending on what kind of stuff you get and where you get your bees. You can get beekeeping catalogs that sell packages and sets.. 150-200$ for supers/frames/tools.. outfits can run from 40ish-180 maybe depending on what kind you get (just a hood compared to a complete get-up(pants/jacket/boots/gloves,ect...). A package of bees 3lbs with 20-30k bees and a queen I think average is about 70-80$; but don't go cheapy on the queen! Ask everything about the queen and if you can upgrade do it very important from what I've been told. Genetics/health/breed/traits/how aggressive/docile they are/disease resistance... lots of stuff to consider.

All the beekeepers I've met have told me not to expect extra honey my first year with a new colony..the bees make it for themselves to over-winter and the following year you can usually start collecting rent from them :p

This forum is a great place for help and allot of what you already asked has been addressed by more experienced people than me so look around and use the search feature. I'm having a blast reading "The backyard beekeeper" and "Beekeeping for Dummies". I also skimmed through the "XYZ of Bee Culture" which is an older more detailed technical type book (which I'll probably end up buying when I really get started).

Goodluck hope this helps!


Don't expect to harvest surplus honey the first year but it can happen.  I installed a 3# package on 3/31/07 into drawn comb and harvested 7 gallons of Basswood honey on 7/21/07. I left 2 mediums above the deep brood chamber. I still have the sumac, aster, and goldenrod/wildflower flows. Interstingly my 3 established hives didn't do as well. Only 2 shallow supers total from the 3 others so far.
Take care,


IMO if your first starting out your best bet is to buy a full hive. You will save some money over buying all the componets new and installing a package and your success rate will be better. also gives you time to get used to handling bees before you have to buy a package and shake them into a hive body. If your going to buy a nuc or a package you can only get them in the spring. So the thing to do is find your equipment and get it ready, then order your bees in early January for May dilivery. Buy early, they sell out fast.
With a full hive you can buy it anytime up until early September  from a reputable beekeeper who is willing to sell one. Expect to pay around 250. for the bottom board, 2 hive bodies and a cover, plus 20 fully grawn out frames and the bees in good health. Just be careful who you buy should also take an experieced mentor with you so you don't get taken. 
Sugarbush Bees