Laying worker hive

Started by DavePaulson, August 26, 2007, 01:47:17 PM

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I have a very strong laying worker hive. right next to it I have much weaker hive. I just requeened the weaker hive. If I move the weaker hive to the spot the laying worker hive is, and move the laying worker hive 50 ft away is there any chance they would kill the queen in the weaker hive. Then what would be a good way to kill the bees that remain in the laying worker hive?
Also thank you again to all the people who have answered my previous questions for me. This is an awesome resource.

Thanks, Dave

Brian D. Bray

The foragers will return to the position of the old laying worker hive.  If you've made several unsuccessful attempts to requeen the laying worker hive you're on the right track.  Before new foragers begin emerging from the laying worker hive shake it out.  Those bees that can fly will take refuge in any nearby hive.  Those bees that can't fly (i.e. the laying workers for the same reason a laying queen doesn't fly) will perish.

You lose a few bees but you strengthen the remaining hive. 
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