Two queen?

Started by Wes Sapp, September 12, 2007, 08:31:51 AM

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Wes Sapp

I was checking one of my strong hives yesterday and found it had two queens. I went ahead and split the hive because I didn't know if I could find both queens again. Should I continue the split or put them back together and let'em duke it out? I'm in middle South Carolina and we have mild winters.
Wes Sapp


continue the split most times when you find two queens (mother daughter) only one of them lays in that hive anyway check for eggs in the parent hive and in the split- you wanted more hives anyway didn't you  :lol: RDY-B


I would split is too.

You can always add them back before winter if the split doesn't take off.
If it does take off, then you have twice the fun.

Dr/B :mrgreen:


I'm sure things look about the same for you there as here (Edgefield). If you continue with the split and feed-- feed ---feed!!! Maybe the rain we got to-nite will help.
Also Only add the empty comb you need that the bees can protect at this time of year (shb). But remember the queen needs laying room!!! I wintered a nuc last year with no problem here in our area.
John 3:16