Working with an ordered Queen.

Started by TapStoneBees, September 18, 2007, 01:25:40 AM

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Hello there, another question for you:
So I have a new queen, and I don't want her to go to waste.... I know it is late in the season, though I wanted to know.

Can I take brood from my Very Strong Hive, and add it to a new deep hive box, and add a few frames of honey to get my new queen by through the winter????  Should the brood frame be full of Bees, or not? And how many if one isn't enough??

I currently have one other hive, with LOTS of Brood frames, and a good amount of honey.  I had orginally wanted to requeen a hive that was weak, though it was lost to the wax moths.
Mr. Bush suggested a nuc, though I don't have one, and do have a empty deep and extra frames.  Wanted to know what the best M.O. would be for this operation.   I need to do something quick as my queen is getting restless without a new home.  Please advise, I appreciate the input you all have to offer.

Your ideas and suggestions are appreciated.
Cheers for now.
"Do or Do Not.... there is no Try!"


how big is your other hive??? if it is huge you could split it, if it big enough you might could take some frames with capped brood and bee's and start a new deep, you will have to poor the feed to them, in your area you might even have to make a candy board for them if they dont grow big enough,,, a nuc would be best though........ Robo is from your area he could help you with some info, I am not sure of the time you are dealing with on trying to make a new hive make the winter..., you can always start a OB hive and take a few frames from you existing hive and feed the OB hive through the winter.....

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"Mr. Bush suggested a nuc, though I don't have one, and do have a empty deep and extra frames."

Why not take a board and cut it to fit into your deep and turn it into a temporary nuc by dividing it in half? Just use a couple of screws or nails to hold the board in place. You can then take it out in the spring when the colony expands. By doing it that way you could still use the extra frames that you have and the bees would not have to work so hard to keep the smaller area regulated.


Your best chances are to limit their area and provide heat.  I have been doing it with nucs for quite a few years now with good results.  Finsky is the master at it,  check his post here ->

This year I will be doing 2 5 frame nucs in a common deep with a divider.   I also use 7watt nite lights instead of the more expensive terrarium heaters.
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