How to get ESP

Started by MrILoveTheAnts, July 21, 2007, 02:31:44 AM

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Extra Sensory Perception, yes it's real. Everyone has it in fact but it's only evident in people with an Average or Above Average IQ, and on the flip side, people with odd mental disabilities (I forget which ones so I'll leave it at that). These people tent to have great memories, or at least a different way of thinking. In a nut shell, they just have better short term memory.
Other types of people who tend to have ESP are those who have been dead. Literally these people were in some sort of accident and pronounced dead... only to be revived by a doctor shortly afterward. These people get it good and many become ultra sensitive to everyone in the room around them. Simply touching people can reveal their future, though this does go away after a few weeks. I'm NOT saying jump in front of a car and you'll get ESP and you are an idiot to try getting it in this way. Furthermore, people who tend to get head injuries of any kind are way more likely to get Alzheimer's later in life.
Lastly people who live near heavy traffic areas, railways, and airports tend to get it too.

So how this works is, at night you usually dream the important events of your life. I don't know why, people just do. The trouble is when you are asleep, the parts of your brain that deal with long term memory are shut down. So you only have short term memory to go on and that's lasts a good 10 minutes or less after you wake up. So the idea here is to write down your dreams as soon as you wake up from them. The trouble here is dreams are about 20 minutes long and occur in REM sleep, which is every 90 minutes. So you actually have 4 or 6 dreams a night depending on how much sleep you're getting. There are methods to remember your dreams better such as focusing on remembering them before you go to bed. But it's far easier to set you alarm for 90 minutes ahead of time (give or take) so you wake up in the middle of the dream.
Understand though that there are 3 types of dreams. They are Planned, Lucid, and ESP.
Planned Dreams are when you dream about something you happen to be doing or watching within an hour of going to bed. This is why you have dreams of aliens after watching the X-Files before bed. You can use this to your advantage as you like. It's also why focusing on remembering your dreams before bed helps out.
Lucid Dreams are when you realize you are dreaming and start going with it. You can do anything you want because you are master of your own universe. Google Lucid Dreaming to find a whole society of people who do that constantly. You are asleep a third of your life so you might as well make the most of it. They also know better methods of remembering dreams and so on.
ESP Dreams along with showing you the events to come can also be used as learning tools. Combine with the other two types of dreams you can suddenly learn things such as the finer points of mountain climbing.

You may notice you don't understand your dreams at all. Dreams mostly lack logic as those parts of your brain that deal with it are shut down when sleeping. So what you're actually seeing is blatant content and hidden content. Seeing someone catch a crab can either be someone catching a crab, or you actually wishing they get Cancer and DIE! The zodiac sign for cancer is a crab. Writing your dreams down and drawing them as you saw them will help decode the messages. Things in color and in better focus tend to be more important while black and white images out of focus have less. Also throw away all Dream Dictionaries or books claiming to decode dreams. Dreams are made by your subconscious and meaning are unique to each person.

Scary things that support the existance of ESP.
Assuming ESP works the way I've written it out, it suggests that all humans have a collective consciousness. There are studies that support this.
Major disasters such as an Air Place crashing is a scary even that no one can predict... or can you? Strangely enough flights that crash have a higher rate of random people not showing up, arriving late, or changing their flight for odd reasons. This is in comparison to flights to the same location under similar conditions. The movie Final Destination is based on this study, of course Hollywood exaggerated the hell out of it by adding DEATH himself as the ultimate bad guy. When some of these people are tracked down they give some of the oddest reasons ever for missing their flight. "I had to get a cheese burger form down the road," "We felt like driving around the neighborhood for two hours," "My daughter wouldn't let me out the door."
Another odd study had people isolated in barren hotel rooms. None of them had any contact with the outside world or each other. It was almost complete isolation except for being fed and so on. They probably slept for most of the study in the end as there were no forms of entertainment around. At random each day one group was given a crossword puzzle from an English newspaper, supposedly the hardest in the world. The people who did the puzzle on Day 2 tended to finish faster then those on Day 1 (of people who they have equal IQ's with). Likewise the Day 3's beat the Day 2's and so on.
And it's not just humans, Laboratory mice made to run identical looking mazes on different days had the exact same results. Different Mice isolated form each other were selected at random to run the same maze design on different days. Mice that went later in the week tended to automatically know where the cheese was.


When I was student I developed ESP. I could "feel" the questions any hours before to do the exam. I only had to review a few answers, and could get better grades.

People can call luck or chance to the ESP, but really ESP is in the unconscious and can help enough.


By the way, I have not been dead, and I have not an average IQ. But I drink enough beer and during the summer sleep the "siesta".


Perhaps you are simply smarter than you think you are. IQ tests are designed differently for each area of the world. People who live in the city won't know how to live in a tribe or heavily forested area, for example.

When awake it feels more like Deja Vu.


There is a book, the Alchemist, written by the Brazilian Paulo Coelho, very nice. Short, clear, and reflexive. About dreams, feelings, and mental power.

As said Ruben Darío, the poet:
La virtud está en ser tranquilo y fuerte,
Con el fuego interior todo se abrasa,
Se triunfa del dolor y de la muerte.

My libérrima traduction:

Virtue is in the calm, in your power
Your internal fire burnt everything
Triumph over the confusion

I forgot to say that this is the way to obtein ESP


Yeah there is ESP. When my sister in law was living with her parents she was dialing 976 psychic numbers. When the phone bill came in the parents flipped. I made the psychic prediction that someone was in a lot of trouble and didn't charge them 9.95 a minute for my gift.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


  I suspect we are born with more "senses" that we use. Children see things and hear things. The adults tell them it isn't there, or that it isn't real. And in time we teach them to ignore what is happening around them.
  Know anyone who lives near a railroad or airport? Ever wonder how they stand the noise? The same principle applies, they have learned to ignore it.
  People who don't believe in ghosts seldom see ghosts. Those who do believe see "shadows", or shades as they were once called, all the time.
  There have been tests on remote viewing where common people learned to see beyond their normal sight. For too many generations those who stretched their abilities were ostracized, or ridiculed. Is it any wonder we are so limited?
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.


I know when I was younger I would have several Dejavue episodes a day. When i moved To Ohio, it all stopped.
"I have never wished to cater to the crowd, for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know." - Epicurus.

Mici ESP is the explanation for Deja Vu. Had quite a few dejavu's in my life BUT. in one moment, i realise i've seen this before, and i tell myself what's gonna happen next (as i've been throu it, obviusly) but it NEVER worked out as "planned". i had maybe 2 dozens of this occasions, always the same.
also had a lucid dream or two, just can't understand why they happen in the morning (minutes prior to waking) so i always ummm "wake" the best part!!!

really got me interested.. but the problem is, all this interesting stuff calls for high self-discipline or meditation of some kind.


Mica: I think you're only remembering those Lucid dreams because you wake up during them.

Another problem I have with Deja Vu is I work a job where I do the exact same thing every day. What's odd is that I don't get Deja Vu every time I work but there are times when suddenly I have the feeling. But it's so easy to brush off as I've seen it before. 


well, i got interested in this stuff, read some FAQ about lucid dreaming and so... this is the 4th morning in a row wneh i can remember what i dreamt. every day i can remember it more detailed and vividly.
today i was a mountain rescue worker and we rescued 4 people out of hummm something..avalanche like freezing pond, hehe.
hypothermya saves, hehe


I have retroactive ESP.  Other people might call that hindsight...... :roll:

My dreams are usually weird mixes of whatever I thought of during the day. Like in the spring I dream of weird looking bees.  Most of them make me laugh when I wake up...

Brian D. Bray

Deja vu, from my experience, is realizing you've been through this event before--in dream form--a foretelling of the future requiring a discission.  Sometimes you know what's going to happen next and sometimes it happens differently.  As one who has been to the otherside and back a number of times I can tell you that Deja Vu is actually a life indicator.  You will have a dream of the future of what will happen if you continue on your current path of conduct.  The Deja Vu comes about at that point that tells you what you decided to do about that particullar event in you future.  If the result is different than what you think is suppose to happen then you changed your mind on continuing on that course of action.  If it's the same then you decided you wanted to have it happen.  Sometimes the differences are the correct choice, denoting bad events would happen if you'd kept on that track.  Other times the exact thing that happens was the right choice. 

Regardless, Deja Vu represents your being notified of the outcome of your discission--yes or no.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Carlos Castaneda has written a number of interesting books on controlling your dreams.  Most of the books revolve around his meetings with a Nagual Don Juan Matus who resided in Mexico.  Ive found it very difficult to control my dreams for long periods of time. Theres a third attention, or thinking outside of yourself that you can learn to control with practice.  Castaneda also explains adjusting an assemblage point so that your perception of the world is 'relocated'.

Anyways... ESP is very interesting along with this big universe we live in.
Honey is delicious


Quotewith this big universe we live in

Yes, visible and...invisible.

Brian D. Bray

On the otherside (spirit form) communication is by telepathy--just by touching another entity a complete transfer of scene, attitude, and impressions are conveyed in an instant.  There is no miscommunication like we have using speach.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!