Started by BMAC, September 18, 2007, 08:56:17 AM

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Okay this is what happened. I was put in contact with Mary Mallett, apparently the first person Brian I had was wrong or I couldn't hear the message correctly. Anyway  Mary was very kind and spent a lot of time with me. It was all very helpful. Because of it I may have to change my opinion in my original response.

Also this was an over the phone conversation so exact quotes aren't happening and I assume responsiblity for any errors.

Recently some honey was placed on ebay in the listing the person selling it mentioned that a lot of honey from large producers is cut with corn syrup. Is this true?


She went on to explain that many beekeepers feed HFCS or sugar water during a dearth or before a flow. But that the feeders should be removed before the flow. Also bees prefer real nectar to HFCS and sugar water. However beekeepers that leave the jars on to long may end up with honey that is a mixed with honey made by the bees that have been eating the HFCS.
If this happens the level of HFMs (ed note. I may have that acronym wrong) in the honey go up. This is one method her lab uses to check the honey.

Large farm beekeepers will use up a truckload of HFCS with no problem during a dearth and when trying to build strenth before the flow.

Pure Honey or Raw Honey is suppose to have a very low level of HFMs because a certain low level of HFMs occur in honey naturally.

Honey can be cut with HFCS in a manufacturing process that is common when honey is added to something such as BBQ sauce or similar.

This is also a process of manufacturing a different product that contains honey but honey is not the sole product.

Honey sold in stores that is not pure must be labeled differently.

Honey that is filtered must be labeled differently. Straining honey is not the same as filtered honey. You can still have raw honey and run it through a strainer. When you filter it you have removed the pollen and other items that would pass through normal strain methods. You can heat raw honey just don't burn it.

Honey that comes from outside the US must contain the top 7 countries that are used in the  mix. Greatest percentage to lowest percentage.

So with that the Ebay ad is incorrect. And I was also. But today I learned something.


The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


So now we can conclude that Beek in Mi is actually straight up lying to make a buck.  Hmmm

I know other snakes like that too.  I think it is those types of Beeks that give alot of Beeks a bad name.
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Semper Fi Marines!