Concrete blocks and hive beetles

Started by Drone, October 07, 2007, 04:01:55 PM

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Hey folks,

I just want to pass along an observation I made today regarding SHB's, wax moths and other nasty critters.

I have 3 hives that are sitting on concrete blocks; All with screened bottom boards. When I set up my hives in the spring, I set the blocks on the ground with the holes running top to bottom, as opposed to laying them on their sides with the holes facing out. I did this because it looked cleaner (bad idea).

Today I had to move one of the hives and I was absolutely blown away by the amount of critters living in these holes. There were what looks like thousands of worms (SHB and wax moth larvae I believe), as well as adult SHB's, moths, roaches, spiders, etc. I think the holes acted as a nursery for all the little ones dropping through the SBB.

Anyway, I now have to rearrange the blocks on the other hives. This may explain the SHB infestation I have been dealing with all year.



Good observation.
Let us know if the status of the other hive changes with the change in settings.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible

super dave

wow i better change mine
thanks for the heads up
lets throw it in the air and see which  way it splatters


Wow, I read this and ran out to look at mine - actually mine don't have openings and are solid 3 inch pavers - oh, well.  I'd love an answer to my SHB problem.  I do think I can attest to the explosion of SHB growth that occurs when you feed the bees - doesn't matter if it's a grease patty or sugar syrup.  The SHBs take off in either condition.

Linda T disgusted with SHBs in Atlanta
"You never can tell with bees" - Winnie the Pooh

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the kid

I have 4    16 inch    4x4 posts in the ground  ,,,   2   4 foot 4x4 on the post frount and back ,,,,one 8 inch lag screw  hold cross 4x4 on each post ,,, hive frount is 6 inches   off the ground,, the back is 7 inches  off the ground ( theres 2 and 3 inches from ground to cross post ) 2 hives on each this way I can work the hives from the side or back ,, three dog tyouts ,, one on each side one in middle to tye down ( the ones that screw in the ground ) with straps ,, so coon or ??? cann''t get in ,,, or storms ,,, have it set up same way 3 feet from one end for the next 2 hives next year .... this setup worked good all summer  ,, am thinking of putting a 4x4 under frount and back to get higher for winter  (snow
build up) will lag screw to other 4x4 ( just for winter ,, remove in the spring )) I'm short so don't want them to high..  this set up takes a little time to do ... but all mine will be like this  .. Dont have to worry that they will tip over when you work the hive ...   can ground drench for hive beetles or   put some thing down to kill the grass any time ...    lot of air movement ..   If you move the hives a lot this is not the way to go..
just a thought
the kid


I use concrete block with the holes top to bottom, havent had a serious problems with shb's etc of course the lizards, spiders and wasps that live in the holes will tend to eat anything that falls out or goes into the hive. Have had lizards fall into the hives when i 've opened them and then taken out the skeletons a couple days after(but i digress). I dont use screened bottoms but i think that more stuff falling through would attract more predators


With sbb they will also live on the flat concrete surface under the hive.  Anywhere they can survive.

Once nuc that I had I put a double screen board under with a plywood cover with the intentions of taking the bottom cover off and wintering it above another hive over the double screen board.  Then it occured to me that the bees couldn't get into the screen, but beetles can.

There were quite a few of the fiends in there, along with a bunch of wax moths that I think were trapped (they grew up and hatched in the screen and couldn't get out).  Thankfully I think I caught it before they got too far.



John, wow, that is an excellent observation for sure.  I bet you have many forum friends running out to check their position of any cement blocks they are using.  I know I will be tomorrow.

Sean, what on earth is that white stuff on the ground surrounding your hives. It looks like snow, but you live in Jamaica, do you have snow there?  Have a wonderful day, excellent health.  Cindi


Sand?  It is Jamaica, after all.....

Linda T in Atlanta
"You never can tell with bees" - Winnie the Pooh

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I always turn my blocks were the hole are on the sides, if not fire ants will build a nest in them and the sprayer cant get to them and they will have straight shot to the hives..

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the hives are on a concrete platform. No cindi no snow, although i think there has been snow recorded in the blue mountains once before. We do get hail once in a while