The biggest inventions in beekeeping ever

Started by Finsky, December 15, 2007, 06:06:45 AM

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You know I have not been here long but here in a forum it is for learning and for making friends and a place to come when you need help. Not for being bashed or duped down for being new. If you are that upset and are that disheartned  about being here then leave and dont post again. But yet you type that and you stay. Yes we want to due new ways and turn the  new leaf on the ways of doing things. But there comes a time when natural or going back a few years to the way thing used to be done is the right way to do the wrong that we did. Like most of us going back green by trying to not usu chemicals and antibiotics and bad things that are hurting our enviroment and have gotten Mother Earth in an Up Roar. We are loosing valuable Wildlife and animals that may never be here again EVER if we do not change our ways and go back to doing things like they used to which worked. Otherwise there will be no more MOTHER EARTH for our kids grandkids to have. Sorry I had to say this as a new person a Vet Tech and A Wildlife Conservationist I had to say what was bugging me. You will be missed but please do not drag it out any longer. Can we please lock this post so that it dosnt continue. I read all of the new posts every night and to see this one continue when they say they are leaving is just ....... I dont know wrong. Sorry but I had to say my words before I exploded



Quote from: Angi_H on December 18, 2007, 02:09:02 AM
Like most of us going back green by trying to not usu chemicals and antibiotics and bad things that are hurting our enviroment and have gotten Mother Earth in an Up Roar.

I have noticed. When I se word Mother Earth, I lift the safer.

We are loosing valuable Wildlife and animals that may never be here again EVER if we do not change our ways and go back to doing things like they used to which worked. Otherwise there will be no more MOTHER EARTH for our kids grandkids to have. Sorry I had to say this as a new person a Vet Tech and A Wildlife Conservationist

I cannot help it with beekeping. That is another story.

I have worked 14 years in Environmentlat protection in capital city City Council, and I know something about issue. My hobby is to use information and branes what ever I do.

If you want to avoid chemicals in beekeeping, stop the beekeeping right now. They are inventing tens of new chemicals every day. You cannot run away them.



Finsky, you've almost convinced me to build a top-bar hive!!!  :-D  No wires, no frames, no foundation!
Just because it sounds like fun!!!  And is cheap, and I have very little to lose trying it (recycled lumber, free swarm bees, and a little time).

Sometimes we use our jeep to drive to work. the quickest, fastest, shortest way.  Sometimes we take it off roads into the woods, around trees and up hills, the longest way JUST BECAUSE WE CAN AND ITS FUN!!!

So you've been through it all through the years, and you've arrived at your style and your way.  Why not provide your good sound advice, but let the others go through their own journeys and find their own style and their own way?  I like it when people take my advice, but also recognize that with so many different people they all have different styles that work for them.

There is more than one way to skin a cat!! :-D

I do enjoy reading your posts, though, now that i've gotten used to your style!


Hi ,   IMHO one of the greatest inventions in modern beekeeping has to be the internet with beekeepers forums like this one .   Where we as beekeepers can meet to share ideas, and report what does and doesn't work for us and why , and to do this in a congenial spirit of respect and helpfulness .  People , we have something really good happening here and let's keep our perspective .  We all stand to gain something worthwhile from each other .  Even an adult can learn from a little child if he or she is open to learning.  Knowledge is the assimulation of facts .  Wisdom is knowing what to do with knowledge . And wisdom is it's own reward .                                  ---Burl---
Of all the things I've ever been called ;
I do like "Dad" the most .   ---Burl---


burl, you got it!  a wise person listens to everything, but does not try everything.  they take info and adapt it to their own circumstances. 

as a society, we have lost the ability to do any kind of lateral thinking.  we grasp an idea and run with it, never looking past the immediate.

i have learned a lot from both finsky and MB.  i do not think that either of them do things as i will do them.  as i learn, i will take from all, the things that work for me.  the trick is to sift though and think about what you are learning and what the impact will be on your own yard.

we should not demonize those who are frustrated with the 'organic' beekeeping, nor should those who choose to treat their hives be constantly told they are poisoning the earth-bees-whatever.....
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


If the "teaching" was intended to help fellow beekeepers, then it's all good.

If it is intended to antagonize, belittle, or insult, then it is bad.




Dane Bramage

Quote from: Finsky on December 15, 2007, 06:06:45 AM
It is nice and makes sun shine every day, but those who has planned extra money via beekeeping will be misleaded into deep marsh.

Mmmm, marsh honey!


Yo Finsky ~> Internet forums are societal microcosms that provide a free market exchange of ideas.  As with everything in life, caveat emptor.  I would humbly suggest to not put such a burden on yourself that you must relentlessly counter what you feel is bad or erroneous advice.  The truth always has a way of revealing itself. 

Regarding the format and/or purpose of this forum, the only thing I'm certain that I have in common with anyone else who might post and/or read here is an interest in bees (& that's enough).   Beemaster has provided this resource free of charge (last I checked!, lol).   I believe he has a sections for "suggestions/improvements" (admin forum).   It may be more proper form to offer any constructive criticism there as opposed to in a final parting post.  That being said, if you've found this site unbearable there are other bee forums to patronize or you could easily make your own.. for free ~> ForumUp.  Perhaps there is a niche' interest for whatever specific category of beekeeping you're primarily focused upon?  "Finsky's beekeeping financial planning forum for the easily mislead and marsh-averse"?  :mrgreen: 

So...plenty of options (give thanks).


Ps. lots of good points on the above posts!

the kid

As I understand it this form is for all with an intrest in bees ..   ...    ....    As for the 200 year thing ,,, I understand smoke was used 200 years ago ..YES  .I use smoke so that means I'm Useing things from 200 years ago ... because it works for me........    thats what makes bee keeping intreasting ... what works for one may not bee the next persons thing ......  A lot of new Ideas do NOT work as good or better than the old      BUT  you seem to miss the point ,,,,, I have wanted bees from the age of 10 ,, at that time I lived were bees would not have been  wecome ,,,   45 years later I now live were I can have bees ,,,    but most of all things have changed in my life ,,  so now I have them and  can ENJOY having them ...   surprising enough that my Wife ,  kids ,  grand kids   are also enjoying them ,.... do I have 20 hives ??? NO !!  But I do enjoy what hives  I have ,YES. and that is why I have hives ,,not to make money ...  I have to learn how to take care of a few ,, befor I can even think of having 20 say   ( In real life we have short of veterinary in Finland. They are using their time with pet cats and docs and they have not time to take care of farm animals. This forum has same problem.>>> One hive and she/he is a beekeeper.<<<< )
And that brings me to wounder ,, If no one helped you when you started ,,,,were and how did you learn ?????    and are ALL your ways the new way ?????   did you start with 20 hives ??
Were is the line to bee called  a bee keeper  30 hives  ----40 hives ??? maybe the one with 200 hives plus  ,,,,,   does not  think 20 hives make you a bee keeper ...
just my 2 cents
the kid


  I can see Finsky's point. And understand his frustration, when basic questions and knowledge are either argued or overlooked.
 I belong to, and have dropped out of, several forums that just went against what I was after.
 I'm a trapper. And a darn good one at that, for the last 30 years I made my living as a trapper.  I do what's called ADC or damage control trapping. On site after site I found my opinions and advice attacked and ridiculed because I was a "Money Trapper". I made money at it so I was somehow contaminating the "sport".
 I see that same thing here, and on most beek sites.
 The 2 hive hobby beek attacks the large beek, the honey harvester attacks the pollinator, when someone asks about finding a bulk market they get snide remarks about how dumb they must be or how to set up a roadside table. And some, as always, assume that they are always right.
 To some beekeeping is, or should be, a money making venture. To others it an almost religious experience that cannot be tarnished by such worldly endeavors. With most some where in the middle.
 Perhaps what's needed is more sites for each view of the activity. Or more tolerance for each persons goals.
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.

Brian D. Bray

Time to chime in with my few feeble thoughts:
I abhore intolerence and Have taken Finsky to task for his more than once, but there is much in what he advocates that I recommend.
Do I agree with everything he says--NO!  I keep an open mind and evaluate what is said and apply what I think will work in my climate, in my beeyard of 4 hives.  I think that is what everyone should be doing.  Sharing what works, what doesn't work, mistakes, Eureka moments, etc., is what this forum is all about and from it all we all glean a bit of knowledge. 

I'm probably one of those whom Finsky believes is reverting back the stated 200 years.  I don't think I am, but I'm constantly being reminded that the things my mentor taught me (he started beekeeping in 1899) is still valid and often a more prudent method of beekeeping than what many advocate in today's modern world.  I've also decided to go green, letting the bees do what comes naturally and with as little active interference from me as I can.  I manage the hives by doing specific tasks and procedures like requeening, supering, etc., when necessary but I do not and will not use artificial treatments or equipment in my hives.  If that makes me a bad beekeeper in some books--so be it. 

I also have a tendency to answer the questions asked because knowing the answer imparts information.  Even if the answer to the question is what I believe to be bad beekeeping, I still answer the question.  Finsky hates it when I do that, saying, "why give bad answer?"  I just answered why, but to say it a little differently, even incorrect information can be valuable if someone learns from it.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!