
Started by Hannah-Davida, February 15, 2008, 07:36:31 PM

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Quick bees like cottonwood pollen? Books I have tell me they like it for propolis. In our area there are tons of cottonwood and every year the ground is golden with their pollen. It's also one of the first pollen producers of the season. The species...we think is the Eastern variety. Given that we're located in Southern BC it's a bit of a misnomer. Thanks!

Brian D. Bray

If the weather is warm enough 3-4 C then the bees will get out and locate what pollen and nectar sources there are locally.  My bees will fly cleansing flights on bright clear days as low as 1 C.  But for them to go to a foraging mode you will need several days in the 3-4 C range, then they will take what's available.  In my area (less the 100 miles south) I have hazelnuts and kitty willows going--I haven't noticed if there is any cottonwood as there is not much easily accessable, to deep in the woods.
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Hannah ,  Welcome .   Yes , they sure do go after the cottonwood pollen , and the willow should even precede that by a few days  .  They'll be packing it in .  It's the resin from the tree buds of the cottonwood that they gather for propalis .  There is several variations of the cottonwood which all belong to the poplar family .  Ours in Northern B.C. are mostly the balsaam polar , which has a very aromatic resin with several notable medicinal properties .  We use it in our homemade cough medicine , which seems to help us when we have a cold .  I noticed from another one of your postings that you are an herbalist .  Try doing a google search on balsaam poplar and see what you come up with .  These trees are an amazing forecaster of rain as their leaves will invert , bottom side up just before a summer rain .  Then after the rain is past they fill the air with the sweet spicy smell of balsaam.  I am sure looking forward to some warm weather again .  It's been quite a cold winter for us , and it's not over yet.               ---Burl---
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