NPR Update

Started by beemaster, September 28, 2004, 05:23:58 PM

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Here is the responce I wrote to the NPR Show Producer and her reply. Just thought I'd share this tale as it progresses. I hope everyone is well and talk again soon :)[/b]


Thank you for writing. I am very interested in sharing my experiences concerning swarming with your audience via phone or in person. I must let you know though that I only have 2 hives and both have swarmed already this season, they will not be swarming again - and in most of the US swarming is over by late August.

I do have members of my beekeeping forum who claim to have swarming taped (I think on videotape - but the audio supposedly is very good) and I'm awaiting a reply now concerning the tape.

Ideally for me, interview by phone is easiest, but we can arrange an in person interview if necessary for production quality: If I can still be assistive to you, I'd be honored to help. I have great respect for NPR broadcasts and I have always had great interest in radio as a media, including classic rebroadcasts found at and other fine sites which store thousands of classic radio dramas, comedies and more.

I have lectured on beekeeping extensively to groups of all ages, taught it through my website for nearly 7 years and now have the forum with nearly 300 members from more than 40 states and nearly 20 countries. I think I can offer a great deal of insight into swarming and beekeeping in general - I hope I can still help in any manor possible.

Please reply and let me know how I may help. Meanwhile, I'll try to get a copy of the swarm in flight in my hands from the member of my forum. Please feel free to also visit the forum as a guest or member and you will find hundreds of helpful members and guests to aid in your project.

Best wishes and thank you for your kind letter. Respectfully,

John Clayton

Dear John,

Thank you so much for writing back to me. I would love to talk with you. I think it would be best if we could talk on the phone to get acquainted, and then record the interview in person. The sound of the interview will be much better this way... I hope it is not too inconvenient for you, and I won't ask too much of your time. I also think that if I can see your hives and meet you in person, the experience of listening to you speak with be more vivid for our listeners. I'm not worried that you only have a few hives because it's your passion for beekeeping that made me want to meet you.
I'm also very interested in getting audio from the video-recording of swarming you mentioned, if you can get ahold of the tape.

So if you want to go ahead and send me your phone number, we can arrange a time to talk at your convenience. My schedule is very flexible, so just let me know.

I hope all is well with you.

Thanks again,
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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All I can say is that I'm glad I got your autograph before you're famous!  LOL

Sounds great John, I'm really excited for you. And I'm betting the website should get ready for some hits!

Are you going to get a pic of her holding up a frame next to her smiling face?
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


That's great beemaster! I hope it works out for you.
"If you have no money and you have few possessions, if you have a dog you are still rich"
"Forgiveness is easier to get than permission"


In all seriousness Have her help you with a inspection.
show her the queen and all the sights, it is very captivating and you're a great tour guide
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"