Has anyone bought any queens from olympic apairy in washington

Started by tom, February 15, 2008, 02:22:04 AM

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Howdy all i was searching around and came across olympic apiary and they are selling quens like russian ,smr. and caucasians has anyone bought any queens from these people and are thier bees dark in color. I saw that they claim thier bees are dark in uniform which i think they are dark i would like to know this because i would love to add them to my yard this summer. I want to add new blood lines to my yard to keep things shaken up s i do not get any inbreeding i am getting three NWC queens and two dark russians queens and three Minn. hygenics and what swarms i catch i would like to requeen with these queens.



Brian Bray has. Since you're an east coaster, might consider Purvis Bros apairies. I have a few and like them so far. Also, a few herre also like fatbeemans for which i have no info. Just use search engine on this site and look for Olympic apiaries and you'll find some info, on them or any other topic as well. Great search engine!
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".

Brian D. Bray

I was very happy with the queens I got from Olympic Apiaries.  I bought 2, nice and dark  and very gentle.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Thank you  Mr. Bray and everyone else for the information i love to keep dark bees because they tend to be better with mites then the light color bees. I have three hives that i did not have to treat for mites but my light color hives i had to treat i do not know why but they were free of mites and do not have to be treated for mites but i know where my other hives got the mites from they were clean until one of my hive died out because of mites and they robbed it and the mites went back with the robbers to my other hives and took on but i did knock them down before winter came.
