Bees Drinking Water

Started by Kris^, October 08, 2004, 10:02:04 PM

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Could anyone suggest a reason why my bees might all of a sudden be craving wayer?  They are buzzing around the bird bath in droves, several dozen at a time.  Could it be related to the 2:1 syrup, or the medication?  Not that they bother anyone, but I'm curious.

-- Kris


Just a sign of reduced nectar sources.  When there is a nectar flow, the bees get their needed water from the nectar.  When there isn't a flow, they must gather water.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Do you know of a particular source of water that they have been using during the summer? Did it dry up or become unavailable to them?
Bees normally use more water in early spring to liquify left over honey from winter stores or honey that has crystallized on them during the winter. They also use a lot during the hottest part of summer to evaporate in the hive to keep it cool. Has it become unseasonably hot where you're at?
If none of this applies to your situation then I'm at a complete loss as to why they would suddenly start hauling water out of your bird bath. Unless as you indicated they are getting a huge thirst from the medications that you put in your hive. I've never observed my bees doing that when I put medications in the hives.
One other possibility that I can come up with is that they have picked up some kind of substance (insecticide or other) that is causing them to require a lot of water.
At this time of year they're are normally trying to evaporate the last of the moisture out of any unripe honey that they have in the hive prior to winter setting in.


Quote from: Kris^Could it be related to the 2:1 syrup, or ... .

-- Kris

Its strong sugar syrup which make them thirsty. It is normal happening.
Also if you put extracted honey combs, bees get thirsty.


They've taken about 25 lbs. of sugar since I started feeding them on the 1st.  They've pretty much filled the lower brood box with capped honey, but haven't yet started filling the second box.  The queen is no longer laying, and there is but a small amount of capped brood left.  There is a lot of pollen stored in the upper box; I guess they'll have to move it or work around it when they start putting honey there.  I just put an upside-down quart jar with holes in the lid on top of the inner cover, in addition to an entrance feeder, in an effort to get them taking syrup faster.  The population seemed to have dwindled significantly.  But that's normal for now, I suppose.

-- Kris


Quote from: Kris^.... there is but a small amount of capped brood left.  There is a lot of pollen stored in the upper box;

I guess they'll have to move it or work around it when they start putting honey there.  

.. upside-down quart jar ... in an effort to get them taking syrup faster.  The population seemed to have dwindled significantly.  But that's normal for now, I suppose.

-- Kris

So you have beeded half. You must give 40 lbs sugar to 2 box hive.

So it goes. Bees do not move pollen. They put syrup on it and cap the sugar.  They start to fill cels there where they have brood to warm.

If you have a lot pollen, colony raises upp at spring very well.