Hee Haw another swarm has landed on my property! Questions

Started by DayValleyDahlias, March 17, 2008, 04:07:30 PM

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Bursts out laughing ! My wife says when was the last time you visited the opticians ! I have had people tell me i look like Jack Black but thats a new one on me , lol rolls around on the floor laughing !


You DO look like Jack Black!! Alot more like Jack Black than Billy Bob!!
THAT is REALLY cooool!!!
your friend,


Brian D. Bray

Quote from: steveouk on March 19, 2008, 09:53:55 PM
Bursts out laughing ! My wife says when was the last time you visited the opticians ! I have had people tell me i look like Jack Black but thats a new one on me , lol rolls around on the floor laughing !

Actually I think you look more like Ryan Wilson.  Do you work in and Office?
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Hey Steve?
We still love you no matter who you look like!
...hee hee....Wolfgang!!....That makes me think of Eddie Munster for some reason!
Hang in there Steve!...We'll get you figured out! :-D
your friend,



No no, dont do that!!!
We're just foolin' with ya!
Sorry, i guess I shoulda never started in.
If its any consolation to you, I used to look like Alfred E. Newman when I was a kid!..Then in my early 20's I looked like Charles Manson!
Then in my 40's it was Sean Connery...Then when i got married my wife said i looked like Robert Shaw! My wife really does need her eyes checked or have her interpretation of looks re-wired!(heh, heh,...she's outside in her portrait studio with 2 students)..
I think now I look like,....uhhhh,....Keanu Reeves,....YEH, THATS IT!!!...Keanu Reeves!!....With no hair on top!.....and 150 lbs heavier!
And a funny walk!( my wifes says i walk like I'm fixin' to fall forward!)And a flatter nose! and glasses! ..And a "Full Time Sweater" even when i'm in the shower!!!

Ok,...feel better?

your friend,


lol im only messing with ya john. i know i'm an ugly Bleep and bold and fat to ! And my wife confirmed to night im ugly !HAHA


She musta thought you were ugly at some time.....Like when she put that ring in your nose during your marriage ceremony. I had one in my nose but I dont have to wear it anymore cuz its not allowed at work!
your friend,
