Powdered sugar question related to Terramycin

Started by Blackbird, October 14, 2004, 01:17:22 PM

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Is it true that confectioners sugar is bad for bees? If so then where does one get true powdered sugar that doesn't contain cornstarch?

BTW I mixed my terramycin with confectioners sugar and the bees had already eaten a small amount when I heard that the sugar was not good for them. I pulled the remaining mix out and am trying to figure out how to proceed.



James E Tew, Extension Specialist in Apiculture, The Ohio State University at Wooster, Ohio states that the small amount of corn starch used in powdered sugar to prevent clumping (typically 2-5%) will not hurt bees even when used in dusting brood frames to treat for varroa mites. I've used it for the past couple of years and have observed no adverse effects on my bees.


I think the critical point is that as carbide said, it is used for dusting, not feeding.  I have never used terramyacin, so I don't know if your feeding it in a patty like form or dusting the bees with it.  There is corn starch and other fillers to keep it from clumping in confectioners sugar.  Could be a problem if the bees can't make cleansing flights.  Would it work to put granulated sugar in your coffee grinder to powder it?