Plastic top feeder- another beginner's question

Started by jester7891, March 02, 2008, 04:55:45 PM

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I hope you’ll don’t become annoyed with all of my (probable) simple questions.  They say the only stupid question is the one that doesn’t get asked.  I bought a plastic frame top feeder from Brushy Mountain Bee farm in North Carolina.  I think I need to speak someone who has one of these feeders.  I have placed the white plastic attachments on the inside of both ends of the feeder but when I put on the outside cover, there is no way for the bees to get at the sugar water.  The top fits plush with the feeder.  If I understand correctly, there is supposed to be some way for the bees to get at the sugar water from the inside coming up from within the chamber.  The only way to accomplish this would be to put a shim two sides of the feeder so that there would be room above the white plastic attachments of the feeder (I’m assuming that the bees can fit through those narrow slots on the top of the white plastic attachment).  This doesn’t seem to make sense.  Additionally that would allow other robbing bees to crawl under the top cover and get at the sugar water.  What am I missing here?  Thanks.


I use the top feeders and the biggest problem I has to deal with was drowned bees and that was fixed by me double checking to be sure the white part was pressed all the way down.
At first, I too thought my bees couldnt get to the syrup but they did. If they're getting up there you will be able to see their little legs and antennae sticking through the slots in the white part.
I got all my stuff from Dadants but I bet its the same feeder as you got.
Also, I didnt use an inner cover when i used my top feeders. Maybe i should have as the bees would try to glue the top feeder to the frames.(with success).
Go ahead and look in there and see if the bees are visible thru the slots!
  Good luck!
your friend,


You should take off your inner cover, the bees come up from underneath, inside the hive. The outer cover goes on top of the feeder, and keeps pests out. The white guards allow the bees to access the syrup without falling in and drowning. Make sure the bottom of the white plastic is tucked in close, inside the little pegs on the bottom of the feeder body.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC

Michael Bush

The bees crawl up the ends and down into the syrup.  They only need a small amount of access to the syrup and they crawl down between the wall and the plastic piece.  Many less bees drown with this arrangement than if it's open to the bees.
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Also, put an empty super on top of the feeder, and then the cover on that.  This will help with keeping other pests out, and will allow the hive to "breathe." 

Good luck with the feeder. I have two that I use during the winter.


hey Jester, because of your question I learned two new things:
1. Thanks Moonshae, I will continue to leave the inner cover off.

2:Thanks Steve, What a great idea about putting an empty super above the feeder...I wondered about the mold(or whatever it was) growing inside the top cover a little air will help alot I bet!

your friend,


I place a piece of screen(slightly larger than inner cover) on top of feeder and when you put telescoping cover on, it seals the edges from outside invasion and prevents drowning, in addition to what evryone else said.
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