8 months of Forum this week

Started by beemaster, October 13, 2004, 08:41:22 PM

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Hi Everyone:

After doing the calculating earlier about the visitor stats, I realized that on the 20th of Oct. we will be 8 months old as a group - seems like I have known many of much longer and honestly, I think we have accomplished a lot of really cool things.

We have had nearly 300 members join, many who have become beekeepers during this first season of the forum although they had no plans to that first season, the help from the forum gave them enough faith in their abilities to attempt beekeeping. We have had a few spin-off forums which have had many members who have shared ideas on topics other than beekeeping, we have grown into nearly every state and many countries, raised our standing in the major search engines, now NPR wants to do a segment on Swarming and that project is in development, I had the pleasure to meet Big-Rog and he joined the ranks of beekeeper and probibly will be one forever.

Our teens, although having a tough time drumming up other teens for the forum still are filled with questions and always glad to answer other questions when ever they can. We have members from all parts of the world sharing neat and unusual hive designs that I know MOST of us in the States would NEVER have seen otherwise.

We have several topics to "post and reply to" and we are always ready for ideas to add additional forums. But most importantly, we have made friends who have joined and written and shared personal stuff with the group - your friendships and the communication, and learning we get from it are the reasons for the forum and that being said, the forum is a great success no matter how measured.

I'm adding a totally different group of forums this week, stuff to give the members additional things to do while here in the forum. One will be movie and TV series forum, where we can all discuss old, current and future films, covering many subtopics such as stars, directors, cities in films, films gendres and anything to do with film including CGI effects, scariest movies, funniest cartoons and on and on.

The second forum is an outdoor adventure forum, for all you campers, fishers, hunters, joggers, skiiers, snow-mobilers, privot pilots, surfers, hikers, bowlers and any adventure that floats your boat. This forum should really allow members to learn MORE about each other than just our interest in beekeeping.

Year Two has some special feature that will require some GROWTH in the server I have currently hosting Beemaster, but I'll be offering EACH MEMBER their own webspace to build their own websites on - this will be a free feature to all registered members, but it will be a place that you can park your family tree, share your interests, place photos and stories, share your travels, talk about your pets or just build a page or bigger site where you can ramble on about MANY MANY topics JUST as Beemaster does. And although the space may be limited to 2 or 3 pages, it will be a nice feature that I hope you all take advantage of. We'll use some simple visual editor software to get your pages up in a flas and add links to your profile!

So I'm hoping that the added features sound like a fun thing that may interest you into opening up your mind and letting all your creative juices flow.

So lots more coming and I hope that after the NPR broadcast we have a massive membership that will give our member UNLIMITED material a day to read and respond to. But if not, we still have the finest little beekeeping forum on that net, and THAT ain't too bad at all :)

FINAL NOTE: I weighed C1 and C2 today - they BOTH have been very busy, C1 weighs 154 pounds and C2 a whopping 202 pounds, both are 2 supers high and neither have any sign of varroa.

The only thing I need to do is get them into my tool shed for the perfect eind block to make that honey surplus of theirs make it through the Winter without any hitches In the Spring, I'm hoping to build up two more colonies and make a few nucs to get some family and friends pollinated for the Spring. With a little help and a mild Winter, all should be fine in the cold season ahead. I hope everyone is getting ready, I think that it might just be a cold and long long Winter. It's time like these that SeanChan comes to mind living in the paradise of Malaysia - sure beats the cold and fridged days ahead here.

So happy 8 month anniversary to all - may many many more follow!
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


I can't wait to see the Outdoor Adventure Forum. Being in Boy Scouts, I hike, camp,backpack, fish, and hunt. It should be good!
"If you have no money and you have few possessions, if you have a dog you are still rich"
"Forgiveness is easier to get than permission"


Sounds exciting John. Looking foward to all of it. Glad to be a part of it.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


Sounds great John. Although we haven't growen like I thought and told you we would, I firmly belive we have quailty even if we don't have the quainty.
I would put up the knowlege of the members here with any other forum.
For me also it has been an exciting year with some very joyful moments the birth of my grand son, and some sadness with the death of my father.
I have made new friends in the bee keeping world who have kept my hand in it rather than see me throw in the towel. I have discovered other joys of bee keeping other than having them to watch. I take pride in the screen bottom boards I build along with the hive boxes, inter and outer covers. I have found I really like the catching of swarms too and plan on hanging out my shingle to the public come spring.
Also come spring, Kare and I are buying a apiary of 7 colonies from an older bee keeper who is down sizing.
He is such a gentileman he wouldn't hear of selling them till spring as the number may change he says.

I can never express my thanks enough for the garden forum either, although there doesn't seem to be much intrest in it.
:D Al


I'd like to add THANK YOU FOR THE TEENS FORUM. I know we dont have any members yet, but I have something to tell teens about when I tell them about beekeeping.
"If you have no money and you have few possessions, if you have a dog you are still rich"
"Forgiveness is easier to get than permission"

Beth Kirkley

I want to thank you too John for all you've done to develop and keep this site. I know I haven't written in here much lately, but still check in to read nearly every post. I come here to look around generally twice a day - and even before checking for e-mails! Now that's addiction. :)

I just haven't been as busy with the bees. It's rained most of the year it seems, so the honey was low. It's been a good year though, with no illnesses, and good growth. Now that winter is coming, it's time for us all to wind down with the bee work and get them through the winter. It'll also mean more talk this winter about what the new year holds. Concerning the bees, our hope is to split the hives in the spring & maybe again in July, to bring our total hives next year to 8 (if possible). At a minimum we'll have 4 hive to work with next year. Our other project were planning over the winter is to get goats with tax money. We have roughly 10 acres of perfect woods for goats, and decided it would be a great way to move ourselves even closer to self-suficiency. We've got the hydroponics, the bee hives, and then meat goats (and chickens too, with the goats, free-ranging) we feel that would bring us to a nearly complete "farm". Our goals are mostly to feed our family, feed those in our church, and after that offer farm fresh food at an affordable price. That last part is something very important to us - to enable people on fixed incomes (who are often elderly or sick) to get food that is much healthier for them. A large portion of the food will go directly to Christian organizations to feed the poor in our community. The big hope is that it will be abundant enough to feed people in need and bring us a little income too. It may sound a little idealistic, but I think it's an obtainable goal. Chad and I don't require much - only to survive without worry (which, you don't worry much anyway when you know your life is in God's hands) - and aside from that just to be happy.

Well, my little note turned out to be very long. I guess I could compete with John any day on long windedness. :)



John -- I couldn't agree more with what you wrote,  "We still have the finest little beekeeping forum on the net."  

I come here everyday to read and learn something new.  


Well, I am new to this forum, learning about bees, getting ready to start beekeeping in the spring. I must say This is an AWESOME forum. I love coming in every day (several times a day) and reading new posts. There are some really neat people in here, some educating us, some brightening our days, bringing laughter, compassion, help boost our confidence. Its amazing. I am glad I joined and glad I have this group to stand behind me in the new adventure. Thanks Beemaster for developing this site, and allowing me to be a part of it. And thanks to all of you who have answered questions for me and gave me a kick when i needed, or a nudge, and Beth who slowed me down a bit.  I feel like I am making some really cool friends>>
"if you can dish it out, you better be able to take it"