I finally ordered my chickens

Started by reinbeau, March 08, 2008, 05:31:51 PM

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Greg will be starting the chicken coop soon - I ordered 15 chickies from the local feed and grain, they'll be here May 7.  I can't wait!  I ordered three each of Barred Rocks, RI Reds, Araucunas, Silver Laced Wyandottes and light Brahmas.  I'd really like to get some Cuckoo Marans and Delawares someday, too.  I can't wait for fresh cackle fruit!

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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Well when your gals are laying and you get one that is broody and wants to hatch eggs. I can sell as little as 6 cuckoo maran eggs. Or if you buy you an incubator you could get some cuckoo maran eggs to hatch. If I knew how to ship. I know it is not hard but the boxes cost allot if you dont buy in bulk. Then I would sale and ship chicks.



Thanx, Angi, I'll definitely keep that in mind!  I'd just be kind of upset with having to deal with the roosters, I can't have one here....but I'm sure someone would take them.

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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Ann, oh you just wait.  When you get your chickens and they get to being outside, scratching and cackling away, making all the beautiful chickenyard sounds, you are gonna love it.  There is never a dull moment when you are watching the chickens, and man, can they become your friends in a hurry, especially when they see you coming with a rattly bread bag with a little bread good in it.  They come running, just as fast as they can.  I actually don't even have to have anything with me, when they see me they come running as fast as the wind.  Oh these critters are another of the loves of my life.  I love to spend time out there with them all, watching, sitting, relaxing, listening and watching all the little stories they tell. It is like time stands still when I spend time with them.  You are gonna love it girl!!!  YOu have a very nice selection of birds too that you chose, very beautiful.

I am ordering a whole wack of day old chicks from McMurray Hatchery from when I get back from Las Vegas, we are leaving on the 20 March and will be gone a week.  I will be ordering my chicks to pick up at the U.S. post office in Sumas.

There is a certificate of $60 for health that must be purchased so the chicks can cross border to Canada.  Even with the cost of the health certifcate, it is far less expensive to go and pick them up myself instead of ordering them through our local cooperative.  It appears to me that there a very big charge for the co-op to go and get the chicks, something like $4 a chick they charge.

The border is about 40 minutes from my home and it would make for a very nice little half day trip.

What I am ordering are:

Astrolorps and a cockling
Rhode Island Reds
Barred Rocks and a cockling

I am going to make it worth my while by ordering extra chicks and raising them and then selling them when they feather out a bit.  That is my plan anyways.  If this works out, I will probably not have lost any money in the end run.  Have a wonderful and beautiful day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


You will be able to sex them at hatch. The lighter ones are boys. Which you could sale so you dont get attached to. And then just raise up the girls. I am having 100% hatch here. And allready have hatched about 150 Cuckoo Maran Chicks. About 75 Cornish chicks, 9 Black Mottled Turkeys, 1 muscovy duckling, 200 coturnix quail ummmm I think thats it lol. This does not count the sportman incubator still full of about 60 turkey eggs and 12 muscovy eggs and 25 chicken eggs still.




Angi, oooh, you must have a really nice set up for the brood pens eh?  That is a lot of young babies that you are raising.  Lovely, got any pictures of your set up?  That would be interesting to see, I am still in a great and deep learning mode with the youngster chickenyard critters here, but slowly but surely.  YOu are the hatching mom!!!!  Have a beautiful and wonderfully great day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service