Do SHB attract SHB?

Started by ArmucheeBee, January 30, 2009, 02:04:31 PM

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There is so little research on SHB on the web, I know someone, somewhere has tried this?

1.  Capture several dozen SHB.
2.  Put them in pantyhose, tie it tight.
3.  Hang it over a bucket of water of even vegetable oil.  They fly to the hose and accidently fall in and drown.

Do SHB send out a pheromone like most other beetles to attract a mate?  When Japanese beetles first hit us in Ga. we could buy the traps that released the pheromone.  It attracted both male and female, because they want to congergate at a food source as well as mate.

Boccy? is using a vacuum to get the SHB out of the hive, what about doing the above test with all those dozens of SHB before smashing them. 

Of course if their sex pheromone is weak and for close quarters only this will not work.  They may only hone in on the hive scent and let the pheromone work after that.

Stephen Stewart
2nd Grade Teacher

"You don't need a license to drive a sandwich."  SpongeBob Squarepants


Interesting idea - let me see if I can do something with this ... Unfortunately, the min-vacuum I'm using is an off-the-shelf item and the SHB's make a nice little "click" when they encounter the rotating plastic fan blades as they pass through the first chamber of the min-vacuum.  I'm basically collecting "parts" of SHB's in the vacuum bag.  I'll be checking the hive again and will see if there are enough SHB's around to maybe do a little collection by hand.
  - Boccyman


Creative thinking, and interesting concept.
Please Support "National Honey Bee Day"
Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.


Is this where I'll make my millions?  Oh, by the way, everything in the first post is "patent-pending", "all rights reserved", and "trade marked" as " Small Hive Beetle Trap"!!
Stephen Stewart
2nd Grade Teacher

"You don't need a license to drive a sandwich."  SpongeBob Squarepants


No luck collecting enough "live" Small Hive Beetle's.  I only spotted about 6 SHB's moving around the hive during my last inspection and I snapped them up quickly for disposal.  I'll just have to be content that the traps have done a good job reducing the SHB numbers :-D.  Maybe I'll have another outbreak in the future (I HOPE NOT! :shock:) and will be in a position to try your idea!  I'm planning on keeping the bottom hive trap (with diatomaceous earth) as a preventative measure.


That is a good idea, but I'm in same boat as most. When I see SHB now, my first instinct is "DIE DIE DIEEEE!!!!" So capturing some alive would be a problem for me, unless I can get some self control  :-D.


SHB don't like light. The exposed nylon trap would not be very effective in exposed sunlight. The pheromones are used to attract mates. Mates look for a suitable partner in a suitable environment. 
SHB like hives because they can trick bees into feeding them.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Then maybe take an empty box and put the nylon-type trap in it?  Even some pollen patty?  They only need to be fooled a second before dropping into a can of oil--and dying a slow torturing death!
Stephen Stewart
2nd Grade Teacher

"You don't need a license to drive a sandwich."  SpongeBob Squarepants


Isn't that what we already have...a SHB trap, except in the hive?  We know the beetles are attracted to the hive already....

They are nimble, they won't fall in unless you make them somehow.  And I'd guess they are more attracted by the smell of fermenting honey or stressed bees.

-Rick (mr. wet blanket  :roll:)

I actually prefer winter...I find lots of dead ones on my SBB inserts.