bees still working

Started by Archie, October 25, 2004, 06:01:15 PM

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today is the 25th and around 60 degrees.  no killer frost or freeze yet I live in the south west corner of the state of Vermont

all 3 hives are still flying and bringing back pollen.  don't know where from.  also,  the drons are still in the hives.  :?   shouldn't they be gone by now?

As for honey.  I have 40 pounds of cut comb and 240 pounds of extraccted honey.  My wife is a little upset because everything is sticky in the kitchen.    :oops:

I am going to make creamed honey out of most ot it.

WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH ALL THIS HONEY? :?:  the famers markets have closed for the year.   I hope all my buddies like honey.
Honey, Vermont sunshine in a bottle.

Beth Kirkley

What about Christmas Fairs? Nearly every town has some type of parade and fair.



Quote from: Archietoday is the 25th and around 60 degrees.  no killer frost or freeze yet I live in the south west corner of the state of Vermont

all 3 hives are still flying and bringing back pollen.  don't know where from.  also,  the drons are still in the hives.  :?   shouldn't they be gone by now?

Just vaporized some hives tonight and noticed plenty of drones still around too.  It has been cold enough to force clustering,  but no real frost yet.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


We had one hard freeze about 3 weeks ago when it got down to 19F and got all the snow birds bitchen. Other than than the worst it has gotten at night is in the mid 30's.
I sat by the hives today for about an hour about 5:00 PM helping kill yellow jackets. I too have drones present and many of the girls bring in two different colors of pollen. One a bright yellow and the other a off white almost brown. I paid close attention in the woods and field as I walked my doggies latter and I still have some Golden Rod in bloom along with some Purple Asters, some of the mini White Asters and lots of Northern Bed Straw yet. We still have Yellow Mums, one Purple Mum, A White Mum and Shasta Daisys blooming in our garden with Polor Pansys One tiny Maltese Cross too.
:D Al


Archie -  

I recently found a local home brew supply retail outlet, he goes through a lot of honey for his customers that make Beer, Ale, Mead.
Michael Keane


Here in the Ottawa River valley, we had our first overnight killer frost last week. (Oct. 20) Since then, the daily high temperature has averaged out at about 12-15 Celcius (53-59 F.).  My bees have been fairly active when the sun has been shining on the hive bodies (2 stories high).  They are still greedily taking down medicated sugar syrup from feeder pails.  This weekend, I plan to wrap each hive, as I have done in the past, in old carpeting with flaps for access and ventillation.
"Where the bee sucks, there suck I." William Shakespeare: The Tempest.

My apiary is about 17 kms. (10 miles) NW (back & left) of this web-cam view:  'See any of my girls?