Would bats keep the wax moth population down?

Started by Drone, March 27, 2008, 10:24:39 AM

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I thought about this one night last summer when I was out working around the hives with a flashlight. I watched a moth fly right into one of my hives! The nerve!  :-x

I also spent much of my time last year dealing with hive beetles and wax worms.

Anyway, I started to think that having a bat house near the hives might be a good thing since the bats fly and feed when the bees are home doing whatever bees do in the hive at night. It seems that the moths are active at night also.

Is anyone here into bats? Any tips on attracting them, or building a bat house?




I imagen they'll eat a few but I don't think it will make any noticeable difference. It would be better to focus on boosting the population of your hives. And when you see there is a moth problem just drop a mentholated cough drop in. Anything mentholated will repel the moths.

If you're interested in making a bat house though there are a number of designs online and it's just like building a bird house only the entrance is a narrow slit instead of a hole.


Make sure if you build a bat house to go to bat conservation international and follow thier directions for a simple house. The dimensions, placement and color are critical for a succesful bat house. The open is apx 3/4" many of the bat house I see sold commercially in local stores are 1' opening and I have had one local seller of birdhouses and now bat house say thats close enough, not so.


I've been reading a lot about these moths.  Are the a huge concern.  If you don't take propper measures will the ruin things?


Wax moths will cause a huge mess in the hive if there is too much hive for the bee population to defend. Don't give the bees more space than they can defend, and you should be fine.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


I live across the street from a tennis court. It is lit at night, and every evening about 4-6 bats fly around feeding on the bugs. Sooo..... if you want to build a tennis court or maybe a basketball court with some outside lighting that will attract bugs.... and then maybe you'll attract bats!  :-D

Now, keep in mind, I live in a crowded housing tract! Suburban city!!!

The bats are really neat to watch.


I think the lighting minus the basketball and tennis court may be a little cheaper but sometimes things are cheaper if you buy a package deal.  :-D


Quote from: beequeen on March 27, 2008, 11:10:01 PM
I live across the street from a tennis court. It is lit at night, and every evening about 4-6 bats fly around feeding on the bugs. Sooo..... if you want to build a tennis court or maybe a basketball court with some outside lighting that will attract bugs.... and then maybe you'll attract bats!  :-D

Now, keep in mind, I live in a crowded housing tract! Suburban city!!!

The bats are really neat to watch.

Bees are attracted to night lites as well.

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


Hey! - I kinda like tennis. Maybe that will be my next project. I might need to take the  neighbor's house down with a bulldozer to make room for the tennis courts.

Or maybe I'll just hang a bat house and see what happens. It is kind of neat watching tha bats feed at sundown.

HBHB - As Moonshae pointed out, the moths are really only a problem with weak hives or stored combs. A healthy hive should be able to take care of them. I had a very weak hive at the end of last season and it was basically over-run with small hive beetles (SHB) and wax moth worms.

It's really aggravating to watch a hive slowly get outnumbered by the nasty critters. It makes you feel pretty helpless.


Late afternoon and early evening the bats show up over my pasture and eat my bees. Well before full dark.



Hmmm, I never see bats flying before dark around here. I guess maybe if there are hunders of nectar-laiden bees flying around, the bats might be inclined to start their work day (or night) a bit early.

I bet the insect eaters really appreciate a honeybee loaded with sweet netar or pollen.

I wonder if Bat Boy eats bees, or moths for that matter. Oh wait, wrong topic, sorry.



Holy cow! I just googled Mothman and I would have to say that, no, Bat Boy would not be able to beat up Mothman.

No way.

Not a chance.

That Mothman is actually a bit scary. I mean nightmare scary.


 :evil: Moth problems?  :evil: what moth problems... I just bring in a six wheeler tanker filled with insectiside and I spray and spray and spray and spray some more... than I spray weed killer... than I spray and spray and spray untill everything is dead...I then spray the bees a little bit to get use to it... ohhhh insectiside is the solution people... just spray away..  :-D!

LOL kidding..! Joke..hahaha... hehehehe..laugh get it.. hahahaha.. Not funny?


Michael Bush

My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


I think bats would be fantastic because they eat insects.  Can you imagine if we did not use chemicals to treat the veroa?? The bee strain today would be 100 % more resistant than ever...!

Michael Bush

>I think bats would be fantastic because they eat insects.

They are.

> Can you imagine if we did not use chemicals to treat the veroa??

I have no trouble at all imagining that, in fact, I don't HAVE to imagine it, since I haven't for the last seven years...

My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin