Does sugar syrup stimulate comb building better that honey does?

Started by twb, April 04, 2008, 06:43:48 PM

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With some deadouts I have lots of frames of honey leftover this spring so I do not feel I have to feed syrup, but then I wondered if syrup would make the bees feel like there is a nectar flow and start drawing comb sooner.  What do you think?

We are finally seeing pollen coming in to the hives today for the first time.  Does that also mean they can gather nectar now?
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."  Proverbs 16:24



Just because there is pollen to be had doesn't mean there is nectar. Heck, my bees been bringing in pollen for a month but there is no nectar to be had yet...... but it's darn close :-D


If it's not too cold,feed syrup to stimulate growth.If the flow gets going,they will abandon your syrup.