NJ survey-update

Started by KONASDAD, April 07, 2008, 12:36:34 AM

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For those who participated thanx. For those who didn't please do . It is listed above. Some very preliminary results so far.
Presently, NJ beeks lost aproximately 15% of their wintering bees. Commercial (traveling)beeks a lot more. Backyard beeks are losing about 6% of hives. The biggest losses appear to be starvation, followed by beeks who used nothing for mites. Stats are still coming in, and this is very preliminary data. It is hoped this survey will become a regular part of NJ's management practices. It will also be modified to get more detailed info. JUst maybe we will be able to develop a "best practice"  model.
Again, please, if you keep bees in NJ, respond to the survey
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