First Sting

Started by Pond Creek Farm, April 27, 2008, 12:08:59 AM

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Pond Creek Farm

My son and I went down to the hive to look around this afternoon. The hive was fine, but I did get stung on the back of the neck while watching them.  I suppose I should not get so close, but I suspect that the bee that stung me relly was a victim of circumstance.  I was leaning over a deep with a couple of frames that the bees were cleaning up (I put in PF 100 into the hive and needd to make some room).  A bee must have been on her way to gather the exposed honey and take it into the hive and got tangled in my collar. She got in my in the back of my neck. I feel bad for the bee, but I am pleased ot know that I am not allergic.  The sting hurt for a while, but wtihin a couple of hours I could not tell I had been stung. I need to wear a veil if I am going to be poking around.


Well, there has been great evidence that suggests immunity to certain diseases if you get stung, examples would be MS, and supposibly some cancers. Maybe lets hold off on the veil for a bit?

But then again, a sting to an eye is no good. Trust me. =)

My two cents.



congrats. You are officially a beekeeper. Today I am sporting a huge eye after being stung after I did a cutout. The bee was loose in car and when I flipped visor down, zap-right on lower eye lid. I have a huge eye. Cant se out of it either! So congrats on the official start for ya'.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


get yourself a patch and be a pirate


I got nailed on Saturday.  Ankle again.  4th time this year already.  I have a hive that always goes for the ankles. Now it itches like crazy   :shock:


i just got stung on the top of my head.last week. i think she was telling me i needed to get it cut..


Last year when my brother installed his first package, my father went along to video the event for our kids.  We now have a great video where my brother takes out the package and a few minutes later all you can see is brush and trees zooming past while a man is swatting and yelling.  Eventually he makes it to the car still yelling and slams the door forgetting to turn the video off. 

Bee stings have inadvertantly given us funny times to bond over as adults.  My dad loves to play the video at holiday gatherings and each time one of us gets got we have even more to laugh together about.



I gotten my first sting for 2008, last week.  No veil and had a girl get tangle up in my hair.  Poor thing needless to say got a little not on my head...


My son didn't tape off his ankles yesterday and I had him swap out a cover and he got zapped on the ankle about 5 minutes after walking away from the hive.  My poor 11 year old screamed like he just got teeth knocked out. 

I told him this is a life lesson and he now understands why I tape my ankles and sleeve cuffs prior to going into the danger zone.

God Bless all the troops
Semper Fi Marines!


 :-D I got mine today!!!  I was in a hurry putting the baggie on & just swiped quickly w my hand to get em out of the way.  Felt a slight burning on my forearm, looked & there it was.  I was so fascinated w/watching it pump I almost forgot that the smell makes others mad & attack.  Swiped it off then monitored myself for a reaction, like a science experiment!  :lol: :lol: No change in heart rate or breathing, did feel a warm tingling in that hand, slight swelling & redness in a 4cm area..burned for about an hour, not bad though, now just a little bump. I'm an official beekeeper now!  Do feel bad for the poor girl whos butt fell out.... :(  Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard

Rich V

Several stings on the hand already this year. Through my new canvas gloves. I'm going back to leather.

KS wife

Day 12 here of having bees and I haven't been stung - YET.  I wonder what the record is for most days as a beekeeper without getting stung.  Wouldn't mind breaking that record.  :-D


I got stung on my index toe... own fault for checking on the hives at night in flip flops


I got stung on the back of my head....As usual!

Heres a poem my dad taught me years ago:

Always scratch it where it itches,
Even when its in your britches! :)

your friend,


John, my sister scratched & sat down when there were bees in her "britches"... :evil: Didn't go so well for her!!!  :shock: My brother & I got a whuppin with the belt for putting the jar-o-bees in her pants....parents have no sense of humor...geeezzzz! :roll:  Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


mairghead, I'm surprised that hasn't made youtube, or tv.  :lol:

My cousin lives in the Phoenix suburbs and they have been Beeks for many years. I called her when I decided to get bees, and she said when her hubby did their first install, he got all suited up, went out and promptly got scared and dropped the package and took off running.  :-D Of course that was many years ago. Now they said the African bees have really taken over there and the bees weren't sweet anymore.  :( They are now retired and have only a few hives. Just a hobby thing now.