Hive Beetle

Started by HAB, April 20, 2008, 08:57:29 PM

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Hi All,
Has anyone used a screened spacer below the hive cover with sticky board or Gorrilla tape to snag SHBs?
Was it effective?


I am using an oil pan.
will keep updated. :)doak


I just have a SBB, and when its cold out I'll usually find a few that fell or went down and froze :).


I have googled hive beetles and found some things i want my husband to try with them to see if they work.  we have found them in our hives this year in North Carolina.  I hope we can get them stopped. another problem is the wax moths. We think we have a strong hive and then we find them.


We have two hives going and four more waiting for bees. Worst is V-Mites, then T-Mites, and followed by Hive Beetles are the biggest problems so far in S. Cen. Al. where we will be following as natural an approach as possible. We are not above using harsh medications, just won't unless forced to.

Our plan of action is as follows:
1   We are using a small local bee hived in this area with success for years, these bees haven't been treated with anything since
          2004 and are still producing and are so gentle.
2   Treat all new arrivals with Powdered Sugar before hiving.
3   Monitor all new hives daily and old hives weekly for mite drop (SBB with vegetable coated BB) until satisfied the count is low
4   FGMOF all hives 1st of each month.
5   Powdered Sugar Shake all hives 15th of each month.
6   Hive beetle traps (Sandwich Container with Mineral Oil and Bait) in Screened Empty Shallow Super on top of all hives (Cut Down
          Shallow Super on NUCS)
7  All frames will only use starter strips of 1/4 inch to allow Bees to determine cell size.
8  All Sugar Syrup will contain 25 drops per cup Tea Oil.
9  We will be looking here and upward for as much help as possible.


Hello Lovelyembalmer:

I'm 25 miles south of you in Lincolnton and I think I've found Hive Beetles for the first time ever in my hives also.  Not many, but I've seen several.


I think that SHB is pretty much ubiquitous to the US now... :roll:  Although if you are a bit secluded they might not find you.  The best defense is a strong hive.  Those one or two beetles can become a wriggleing mass of slimy demon spawn really quick if the hive stumbles for some reason.  That being said, it isn't common for a strong hive to get knocked back quickly.

I've seen more this spring than ever before, despite the cold winter, although I had 9 hives survive, the first for me.  I see occasional shb larvae on the bottom trays, and occasional moth larvae, but never in the hives.  Except the observation hive, where it doesn't get below 65F...



Hi Heaflaw, its nice to hear from someone so close.  We maybe closer then you think to. Especially if you live in the north west section of Lincoln co.  Not doing business, but I also work in Lincolnton.

I agree with Rick, any type of larvae other than bee is not a wonderful sight to see.
We're going to try the sandwich catcher to see if we can catch and eliminate.


I was at Fatbeeman's a couple of weeks ago. (bragging a little, his place is awesome and he is sharp!) Visit him if you ever get the chance.

I saw his bees balling and driving out SHB. they couldn't kill them but they annoyed the beetles so much they ran for cover right into his traps. He uses corplas (plastic cardboard) packed with boric acid stapled to the hive bottom boards. The beetles can get in but the bees can't. He seals the boric acid in with crisco so it doesn't leak in transit. The beetles eat the crisco and then crawl in the corrigations and die in the borax.

I am hoping that the bees I got from him will help me control my SHB.



Oh we are so lucky....I must always remember this.  So far....only one case that I have heard of about the SHB was in Alberta, but that was some time ago and I haven't heard more.  This is a nasty destructor of the honeybee colony and it must be so hard to keep under control.  I hear that strong colonies can deal with it, but sometimes it is just not all that easy to keep those super strong colonies, as hard as we try.  I wish all of you good luck with the SHB, keep working at eradication controls, it can do no good to just ignore and hope it goes away, beautiful and most wonderfully great day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


How about the large black beetles. These things look more like a roach or water bug of sorts and are about 3/4 inch long. I have found them under the hive covers on the inner cover since last summer. Usually about 2-3 or so at a time. Any one else have this problem? Can they be damaging?



Those are after the shade or rotten wood.  I don't think they will bother the bees. At least they don't bother ours. we just shake them off and they surry into the woods.  Don't really want roaches in the hive. That sounds nasty. 


Checked ours yesterday (after 24 hours with the greased white board underneath SBB) and only found 2 SMHs in the two hives & 6 V-Mites on the two white boards.  My wife was so excited!  She expected to find so many more.  We were at a friends hive's a couple of days earlier and they were everywhere. :)
He is still using the solid board and not trapping beetles. :'(