Busy Girls Today

Started by tileguy, April 30, 2008, 09:03:30 PM

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I got 2 packages a couple weeks ago and hived them the same day, 3 days later I checked to make sure the queen was released, she was so I have just been letting them do their thing. The weather has been cold, off and on snow and they havent been too active.
Well I have real nice weather today and my girls are real beezy, I see lots of pollin being brought in but I also see a major activity of drones.

Could there be too many drones?

Should I put the Green Drone Comb in yet?

Where should the Drone Comb be placed?

Maybe I should just not worry and let my new hives do there thing eh?
I will most likely give them another week before going in to check on new larva. But if I need to put the Green Drone Comb in I guess it will be the next nice day....
Thanks, T.G.
I feel like a pimp "I have thousands of girls working for me"


The drones you are seeing came with your package if you have had it only 2 or 3 weeks.
Its possible some drones are hatching at 3 weeks, or "some one chime in here" is it 24 days for drones?
If only 2 weeks you don't have drones hatching yet.

I would place the drone comb on the outside of the brood nest, about the 3rd frame from the outer edge.
Then if the nest grows to over take it you can move it over one.

I put a drone frame in the split I did today. :)doak


Drones move freely from hive to hive. You probably had some with the package and some who are flying in looking to be fed.


The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


That makes since, Thanks guys
I feel like a pimp "I have thousands of girls working for me"