Adding a second brood box ?

Started by Tucker1, May 02, 2008, 11:58:11 AM

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My girls are working their little wings off. I have 6 frames that are about 90% full of either capped larva or honey/pollen. These are the center most frames in the hive. The weather in eastern Washington State is still cold ( ~ 37F) in the evenings and the day time temperatures are in the 60s.

I was planning on adding a second brood box this Saturday, so the girls would have space to grow into....... and hopefully, discourage any thought of swarming. However, I don't want to do this too soon and unintentionally lower the internal temperature of the hive and put the brood at risk.

Should I go ahead and add the second brood box or wait until the remaining frames are almost full?


He who would gather honey must bear the sting of the bees.


I don't think there would be an issue adding another one.  If you are really concerned then wait until they have 2 more frames finished and then do it.  Personally, I would add another if there was a big flow going on.


The old saying  7/10. when the have 7 out of 10 75% or greater time to add on.


you can add the second one now but put it on the bottom.  it won't mess with hive temp and it's there when they want to use it.