Adding a queenless package

Started by watercarving, May 08, 2008, 05:52:27 PM

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Saw these advertised today. Can you add a queenless package to an existing hive? Seems like it could cost problems. If you can do it what is the procedure?
-------------- - adventures in woodcarving and country life.


I've never bought a package but make my own up to help out smaller colonies. In winter time(in Florida that is when it is 30 at night and 60 in day) you can dump them right in on top of the frames. Any other time it is best to dump them right in front of the entrance. Give a puff or two of smoke just before doing this as to mask any alarm pheromones.  Some people instead of smoking spray a little sugar water on them so they will be readily accepted.


How do you know they'll go in the correct hive? Do they automatically smell the queen?
-------------- - adventures in woodcarving and country life.


Because you dump them out on the entrance or in front of the entrance to the hive that you want them to go into. They will march right in like little soilders because they know they don't belong outside.