honey removal ?

Started by jimmy, May 11, 2008, 07:41:39 PM

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I was in my oldest hive yesterday .All but 2 frames were filled and capped. I moved those to the middle of the small super. I couldn't get 1 frame back in as it was too full. I brought it to the house and chopped up the pre waxed  comb.
I just ordered 20 more frames and pre-waxed combs and will replace all the full ones now in the hive when those arrive.

My question , is this alright to do it this way or am I suppoed to keep adding suppers when the the others are full of honey?

These poor newbie folks don't know anything, we have to ask the ole timers!


If you can its best to put another on when the first gets 7 or 8 frames almost all capped.
If you don't have any xtra super and/ or frames, just make sure you get the frame you took out back in asap.
Or they will cross bridge comb every where,  where that frame is supposed to be.
You can keep adding supers as long as there is a nectar flow. then take all off except the one/'s that are not full. If you are where you can check on it about every 5 days, then put only one at the time on.

If you put too many on and the flow slows they, the bees, will chew the wax away from the unused foundation. hope this helps. doak


doak, how do you know when the nectar flow is over? I planted white dutch clover last fall ,which has done very well but alot of it is turning brown with high heat and no rain for a couple weeks here in south La.
Thanks  jimmy


Quote from: jimmy on May 11, 2008, 09:22:03 PM
doak, how do you know when the nectar flow is over? I planted white dutch clover last fall ,which has done very well but alot of it is turning brown with high heat and no rain for a couple weeks here in south La.
Thanks  jimmy

Jimmy, I'm sure you have chinese tallow in your area and any day now the tallow flow will be ON!!! You better be ready for it, its the real deal. Flowers have budded out to almost fruition, watch what happens this week coming.

Also, you can take fully capped frames of honey out and harvest them whenever you like. You can stack 'em or remove them, just make sure you have empty ones on now!

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Thanks JP . Yes we plenty of tallor trees in Washington Parish.They grow wild here and are unstoppable. When I was row corping and cutting hay it was hard to keep those from rooting out from other larger trees.
Never figured I'd be wanting them to exist now for the honey.