Woo Hoo new nuke update

Started by shan, May 13, 2008, 10:26:28 PM

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just brought it home lastnight, and took the frames out of the cardboard nuke and was going to put them into a wooden nuke BUT they have made there comb to wide i guess there is more room in a carboard nuke(with) so i had them riled up and didnt want to smash them into the wood nuke and i didnt want them in the carboard one either, so i put them in the middle of a 10 frame hive, and filled in the other 5 frames of partal drawn comb on the outsides to try to close them in some, anyway no stings or swarms in my face :) and today i went and put 2 qt jar feeders on top of the brood box and put a deep box on top with 4 full frames out of the freezer from the other bees, i put 2 on each side and left the center open for now till they clean out the dead brood and what not in the frames then il fill in the middle with some new frames and move the feeders up to the top of them...all in all im lovin these bees :) and did all this with out a veil or anything.... just a lil smoke :)
ask me about microwaving cats for fun and profit :) also Smileys