new package question

Started by jesuslives31548, May 16, 2008, 10:07:33 PM

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Hello all, I have a question abou installing package Bees. I use to mange over 300 hives 12 years ago. A fellow bee keeper said its common practice to now start the package in a Nuc then move them to a 8-10 frame hive. What are your thoughts. I live in the very deep south Ga area on the florida stateline. Any advise for or against will be welcome.


I've started my packages right into 10 frame deeps, no problems. Michael Bush says that he favors 5 frame nucs, and he certainly has a lot more experience than I do. I can't give an argument one way or the other, though.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


This late in the season for south Georgia or Florida probably would do better with a nuc IMO. But your weather is such that you probably also have time for a package since your winters are shorter. Either way you have some bees, go with whatever you can get right away.

Good luck



Yea the Temp does not drop intill very late December. The golden rod flow is good at time in early fall. Im thinking about place two in 10 frames and two in Nucs to see if there is a diffence.


People are still getting packages here in New Jersey, so I'm sure you'll have plenty of time in Georgia.

P.S. You should update your location in your makes it easier for people to know where you're from and how to answer your questions.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC

Michael Bush

My guess is that in Georgia it won't make any difference.  Here where we get packages when it's still frosting at night and sometimes even a hard freeze at night, it makes a difference to start them in a nuc.  It might help you there as well, but my guess is that the difference will be less.

I start them in foundationless frames or bare foundation in five frame medium nucs.  With drawn comb I start them in an eight frame medium as the five frame nuc is a bit crowded with drawn comb.
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