Excel Hive Inspection Journal

Started by eivindm, December 11, 2004, 10:40:43 AM

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I have now published manowar's hive log on my web page (described in a previous message that got lost in the system crash).  You can now download it here


I have somethimes used note book. It is usefull.

I have used notes about  "need to expand or too much space".

+0,5 x 2 = add two farrar supers

- 1/2L  = half Langstroth empty = too much space.

QC = queen cells, going to swarm

WC = wing clipped

I have taken into use the way where I mix my boxes from hive to hive. I do not follow what hives are. Also I change queens every year. The new queen is not the same.