New Pheromone creates a buzz over the clout of older bees

Started by DonAsoka, December 12, 2004, 05:39:08 PM

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Hola Everyone, Just thought I would like to share this article that I read today with you..

Click here for the article

and here for a really hi-res bee image

Really enjoy being part of the forum, Abrazos

Just type the address without brackets, the software will make a link out of it for you :) Bee. Actually... don't even need the http:// part as long as a www. is in the addy. Thanks Donald for the article and image - really great stuff :)


OK...... I did it, I tried to be cleaver and put in a live link to more info on the Oldies doping the younger bees to stay at home , and ended up with a rather large picture of them doing the deed,,,,,sorry but one must admit it is interesting, I alway thought it was the Queens thing,,  ???????????