Any Package Bees left to Buy?

Started by alfred, May 18, 2008, 11:03:22 AM

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Hi Folks,
I am looking for some bees. I know that it is late in the season but I have decided to try to get some more bees. I am only looking for 2 or 3 packages. If anyone knows where I might find, please let me know.


A company in Baxley Ga. Spells Bee co. Im picking up two Thursday. They are a good company here in southeast ga.


Just letting folks know,

So far my best bet so far is with in Fort collins
They sell both package bees or nucs. $115 for a nuc with at least five frames of bees in a ten frame deep super and a new queen from big island queens in Hawaii and $70 for a 3 lbs package with a queen mated in colorado.

I am still waiting to hear back for others here and from the beesource forum to see if I can beat it. I don't think that I will. They are so close to me as well so no shipping charge.

Can't decide which way to go the package or the nuc. I would go immediately for the nuc except that I am trying to go with all mediums and natural cell so that means that I would have to mess with switching them over. Have had trouble getting my other bees to switch to pf120's as it is.

Any thoughts out there?

thanks Alfred


Just a rookie here, but I would be in the car picking up the nuc.  Then again, a queen from your neck of the woods sounds good also.  Hopefully, you will get a better answer from someone more experienced than me. 

Good luck,



I think that considering shipping you aren't going to be finding anything cheaper anywhere else.

Is there any reason that the nucs have hawaiian (sp?) queens but the packages have coloradoan queens? (other than cost)
