More Swarm Questions

Started by JordanM, May 21, 2008, 05:12:55 PM

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What is the best height to put a swarm trap at? How many medum supers should you use? How to you put the lemongrass oil in the hive (on a cottomball or just leave the hole bottle with the cap off in it)?


Swarm traps should be ideally 8ft or higher. Having said that, most of my hanging swarms are either less than 6 ft, or over 30 ft. Most feral hives are high too in my experience. Do the best you can. get your name to local police and exterminators for a better chance of getting hanging swarms. Got another one today w/ 3 queens!!!!
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


I have a tree stand pretty close that is about 20 ft. high. Does that sound good?
Quote from: JordanM on May 21, 2008, 05:12:55 PM
How many medum supers should you use? How to you put the lemongrass oil in the hive (on a cottomball or just leave the hole bottle with the cap off in it)?


tree stand is great. I put a few drops of lemongrass oil in box is all. I also spray w/ sugar water and Honey-b-healthy as well. if you have drawn frames they are ideal.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


   ( If you build they will come)

I don't think hight has as much to do with it as some may wish to think.
The last swarm that came to my box, it was sitting on saw horses and not even baited. Futher more not even the best choice  to my guessing.
What about the swarm that settles under the floor of a house or under the window of the first floor in the  wall, or in a hollow tree five feet off the ground?

I'll not climb 20 feet up to set a swarm trap, and very few swarms I'll try to get if they are over 8 or 10 ft. high.
Could be different if I used a real trap rather than a hive body/super with top and bottom.
I'll have to check that part.
You youngsters go for it. I'm pushing 67 and not 100%.
Thank you. doak


okay this week i will go and put it on the tree stand and rachet strap it down. I will bait it with some lemongrass oil on the top barsthen tie a rope to it to get it all up and down the tree like a package. And if i dont see any scout bees in it in a month ill move it down the road from our house where there is about 40 hives ( there ought to be some swarms coming off of those pretty soon dont you think?) And hopefully catch a swarm. I still dont know how many medium supers should i use, can someone answer this queation?


I would try the latter first! :)
If your on good terms with him. :)


I would use one deep hive with medium frames, If you want the bees to go in a medium.
Will be easy to change the frames to a medium box and one less piece of equipment to handle.
One medium being small the swarm may not accept it.
Just another one of my theories.
I have a lot of them.


Wont they build burr comb on the bottom. I guess that doesnt matter. So i will use a deep body and put medium frames in it. Thanks i think i got all my questions answered now.

Wish me luck trying to catch a swarm.


They will build burr comb on the bottom if they are left there long enough but who cares if they do. If you check them once a week you should get them before they draw major amounts of comb anyway.