Workers being kind of "thready"

Started by josbees, May 22, 2008, 10:22:22 PM

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I didn't even think hard about this till today, but two days ago when I was about to requeen one of my hives after the first girl didn't make it, I was checking the frames, just to be sure there was no queen around.  I was so intent at finding or not finding the big girl, that I wasn't paying the proper attention to the rest of the girls.  And now it's on my mind.  I requeened the hive, and am not planning on going back in for at least another week (other than topping up the sugar syrup up above).

But what I saw when I went in was this:  when I nudged the frames apart, I noticed that there were a bunch of workers kind of hanging on to each other between the frames, and when I pulled the frames it was kind of like a spiderweb or mothy falling apart.  I know that's a lousy description, but it's the best I can come up with.

I'd say there were about 50 bees, half on one frame and half on the next, and it was just like pulling a piece of cotton ball apart.

What do you all think?  Are they just having a party between the frames, or are they desperately holding on to each other in the hope that I'll disappear and let them alone?

And PS, Love you guys, if I didn't already let you knlw that!


A good sign, they are working. Building comb.


Thanks!!  See, if it wasn't for all of you I would have absolutely no clue.  And here I was, thinking they were all turning into moth bees, or cotton ball bees, or some such!!


festooning. Using their bodies as architectural guide.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".

the kid

I was told that when they make wax they chain ....  
the kid



I read here on this forum, that they need to be left alone when they are festooning. It all looks like very delicate work to me and I place them back in the hive quickly when I find them doing that. It brings such happiness to me when I see them doing this, knowing they are making the wax combs.

Take care


good going, let them do their thing.

When you get a good colony going some time the only inspection needed is to look at the entrance for 5 or 10 minutes. If you're not taking honey off, adding a super or feeding, why open?


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