Bee Colony Record And Inspection Sheets

Started by wildbeekeeper, June 02, 2008, 02:39:34 PM

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has anyone ever used or have the book "Bee Colony Record And Inspection Sheets' by Daniel Garber?  Is it any good?  Is it worth getting?  Are there any other sources where I can obtain forms or shhets to use for monitoring and keeping records for my hives?  Thanks!


Greg Peck

My wife made me up this simple excel spread sheet  a week ago. It seems to be working out well. although there are a few changes that I may make to it. I print out the sheet and put in a 3 ring binder. So when I go to the bee yard I take my binder and have all my info right there. I have another sheet that I keep track of the queen hive location. If anyone wants the file I can email it.

Click to enlarge!
"Your fire arms are useless against them" - Chris Farley in Tommy Boy
Semper Fi


I used excel to whip up a little half page Observation Record sheet for my daughter to use as part of a little homeschooling project last year.  It was meant to be used to record external observations only.

I had her record the date, time, and basic weather info. 

Then there were a series of yes/no choices for each hive:
Bees Flying?,
Dead Bees visible on landing board or near entrance?
Pollen comming in?
Orientation Flights?
Bee Dance? (I have occasionally seen the bee communication dance on the landing board or at the edge of top entrance when there is one.)
Washboard Dance?  (Which I suspect is actually honey curing activity.)

There was also a place for her to record the number of foragers coming and going in one minute, pollen colors, and any other notes she wanted to make.

She was still a bit too young to fill it all out last year, but soon I will print out some more and have her do them again this year.  If we get enough of them filled out I will enter the results in a spread sheet or database, cross reference them with my internal observations, and look for trends... but we will probably not be that diligent for another year or two.


thanks for the replies!  I think I may take the chance and order the book as no one has ever seemed to hear of it!?!?!!?  I'll take a risk.... might be some good stuff in it!