Looking for a mentor

Started by shelley, June 11, 2008, 11:19:28 PM

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I am new to beekeeping and have installed my first hive this spring. I've taken classes at a university extension course here in Washington. I've read lots, but would like to find someone who is willing to work with me in person.

I had a recent experience that was very stressful. My hive swarmed and I didn't see the signs of it occuring. I had a swarm control person get the swarm from my attic because I wasn't set up for another hive and now am afraid of this learning experience.

I thought I was on top of it, but the queen was laying well and I didn't manipulate the honey to the outside and believe she got crowded and left me.

I now have a smaller hive with one or two queen cells, so may be ok. But, I never was able to see the tiny eggs. I spotted larvae and now I must see if I have a queen and don't know what I'm seeing.

Anyway, this has been a learning experience and I would love a live person to work with. I plan to volunteer at the apiary at the university extension and can keep learning.

If anyone would be interested in working with me, please let me know. I'm a bit stressed with all this and need help. I live near Tacoma Washington and would appreciate a hand.

[email protected]


Pond Creek Farm

I cannot help, but I understand.  It seems I learn everything the hard way.  Books are great, but they can not see what I see and tell me what to do.


I empathize with your situation.  It can be very frustrating when there is not a physical person by your side to help.  Unfortunately I live in Brookings, Oregon and have been beekeeping for only 2 years.  What happened to your hive happened to my hive the first 3 months I had it  :? :'(.  Hang in there.  This is a good place to learn.  A lot of very experienced people are here to help you.  Don't give up--I know what this is like because I thought I couldn't do any of beekeeping right.  Be kind to yourself as you gain more confidence you will relax and keep asking those questions.  You may even consider to get involved with a local beekeeping group. http://www.wasba.org/local.htm .  I have sent you a pm.


Contact your local bee club, and of course stay right here. theres lots of help, particularly w/ digitial cmaeras today. Take a pic and post, you'll get info.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


Hi Shelley.  For me beekeeping has been more about a process of learning more than anything.  My first year the lesson I walked away with was 'I shouldn't worry so much'.  There are many times the bees took care of themselves and didn't need me.  As you read and ask questions here, you will know when it is time to take action.  They (the bees) will let you know. 

I've had my share of problems this year (my 2nd year), but I am learning so much more than what I thought I could in this short period of time.  As you progress, it will get easier.  Although I think honey is the ultimate reward, find a queen for the first time, eggs for the first time and understanding what I am looking at is very fulfilling.  I'm doing an inspection today for the first time since I introduced queens in my hives a few days ago,...and know I will learn more today.

As for your dilemma...you are certain your queen is gone.  No eggs?  Any queen cells? 
Contact your local extension or beekeeper club.  Beeks are a very helpful/giving bunch of folks...I've had plently of advice/help from local beekeepers the past 2 years.  And utilize this forum.  I can't tell you how much this forum has helped me...sometimes just from reading other posts.


I won't let grass grow under my feet, there will be plenty of time to push up daisies.

Brian D. Bray


I'm a little too far away to be of much more than remote help throught this forum.  Since you Live in Tacoma maybe you should talk to Sean Kelly or Poka-bee they are both in Buckley and might even belong to the same Beekeeping Association as the one that serves your area.  I Think Pierce County has only one Association.  The People at the extention service should be able to help you find a mentor as well as tell you who and where the bee meetings are.

BTW, I'm hosting a BBQ Bash for PNW forum members On August 31,  See the B square for Labor Day, you are hereby invited.  Our Welcoming Committee President will be here along with Brendhan Horn, Sean Kelly and Poka-bee to name just a few.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!



I live in Buckley so not too far from you.  Am also new, just lost a ton of my bees cause I stopped feeding em too soon in this "Junuary" weather we have been having.  :'(  At least you didn't kill yours off!  It is a lot of learning & this forum is the best!  There are so many different answers to the same questions, ideas you may not have thought of.  I belong to the PCBA, they meet in Puyallup on the 1st Monday of every month @ 630. Where in Tacoma are you?  Tacoma proper or outskirts N/S/E? Sean Kelley lives a couple of miles from me, he just lost 3 out of 5 of his hives, sounds like the same symptoms mine had.  Welcome to the forum, let me know if you want to go to the next beekeepers meeting!
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


thanks for all the comments and help/ideas. I'm going to call pcba's president today and see if I can get someone to come. I live in Lakewood and have attended meetings and classes at pcba and just haven't connected with anyone yet.

I'm going into the hive this weekend and see what I can see. I see lots of drones around, so if the queen cells I have hatch maybe they will mate with her.

When did you quite the feeding. They quit taking mine about a month ago. So sorry about your hives. Man, I didn't realize there was so much to this and so many possible problems!

They are interesting though.


You might look at Beesource.com also, There are some forum members in Western Wa.
Good Luck.
I feel like a pimp "I have thousands of girls working for me"